Friday, November 29, 2019

Open letter to Twitter about Ramla Akhtar's cyberstalking, November 29, 2019

This is an open letter to Twitter, which, despite all the reports sent and the complaint in High Court to the Public Prosecutor, continues to be, de facto, an accomplice of Rmala Aalam, aka Ramla Akhtar stalking against Zood Kun people of Chapursan Valley, against their foreign visitors and against any person who dares asking questions about her harassments, about her defamations and about her calumnious denunciations.

Report to Twitter about abusive profile and cyberstalking from Ramla Akhtar

Friday November 29, 2019 
To Twitter legal department,
This profile @barefoot_rmala of Pakistani Rmala Aalam, aka Ramla Akhtar, is constantly changing her identification and her description to make difficult reporting her tweets. She has been stalking me since September 18, 2019. I sent you countless reports of abuse about this case. 
Today November 29, 2019, her profile description is:
"SOS! Nantes Police Needs to Check on BernardGrua"
If at the time of your review it was changed, here is the screen capture. 

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Analysis of Ramla Akhtar's Twitter account

In this article we will review the Twitter production of the account currently being @barefoot_rmala after having been @barefootRamster for the period July 22, 2015, to November 23, 2019. Through her 2 681 tweets, we will identify how Ramla Akhtar turned this social media into a main cyberstalking weapon with a complete impunity.

In this article we will review the Twitter production of the account currently being @barefoot_rmala after having been @barefootRamster for the period July 22, 2015, to November 23, 2019. Through her 2 681 tweets, we will identify how Ramla Akhtar turned this social media into a main cyberstalking weapon with a complete impunity.

The account "@barefoot_rmala" was only active during the second semester of 2105 before "resurrecting" on September 18, 2019

Friday, November 22, 2019

Submission of a complaint to the Public Prosecutor against Ramla Akhtar, the cyberstalker

Today, November 21, 2019, a complaint to the Public Prosecutor was registered at Loire-Atlantique high court (Tribunal de Grande Instance) against the cyberstalker Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, who sent 296 tweets against @bernardgrua in two months under her account @barefootRamster (recently changed to @barefoot_rmala). The accusations are harassment, defamation and calumnious delation. A complaint was also registered against Twitter .
Due to the volume represented by the 296 stalking Tweets and issues with responsive lay-out, this article can be better read on a computer. 

a complaint to the Public Prosecutor was registered at Loire-Atlantique high court (Tribunal de Grande Instance) against the cyberstalker Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, who sent 296 tweets against @bernardgrua in two months under her account @barefootRamster (recently changed to @barefoot_rmala). The accusations are harassment, defamation and calumnious delation. A complaint was also registered against Twitter .

The accusation letter, with all the 296 tweets and with Twitter reports aknowledging Ramla Akhtar hate conduct against Bernard Grua are filed, now, at the High Court.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

"Principles" of cyberstalker Ramla Akhtar on Twitter, November 19, 2019

On November 19, Ramla Akhtar, BetterBonds shop manager at Hussaini Hunza, started her daily cyberstalking at 7:00 AM, Pakistani time. In 24 minutes she produced 12 harassment and calumnious delation tweets under her « barefootRamster » account (previously called "Yeng Faqila"). They were all targeting the same person. In such a short period of time, such a volume is amazing. This unusual productivity has, however, some tangible explanations.

On November 19, Ramla Akhtar, BetterBonds shop manager at Hussaini Hunza, started her daily cyberstalking at 7:00 AM, Pakistani time. In 24 minutes she produced 12 harassment and calumnious delation tweets under her « barefootRamster » account (previously called "Yeng Faqila"). They were all targeting the same person. In such a short period of time, such a volume is amazing. This unusual productivity has, however, some tangible explanations.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

November 12, cyberstalker Rmala Aalam got a new record of 35 tweets against the same target

On November 12, Rmala Aalam, aka Ramla Akhtar, under @barefootRamster, went over 200 stalking tweets charging one single person and got her personal record of 35 tweets against this target, in just one day. Meanwhile, she continued spamming women NGO's, Police, Pakistani and French authorities.  This article presents the list of  her November 12, posts which were reported to Twitter.

On November 12, Rmala Aalam, aka Ramla Akhtar, under @barefootRamster, went over 200 stalking tweets charging one single person and got her personal record of 35 tweets against this target, in just one day. Meanwhile, she continued spamming women NGO's, Police, Pakistani and French authorities.
This article presents the list of  her November 12, posts which were reported to Twitter.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Reporting to Twitter on November 11, 2019 about Rmala Aalam cyberstalking

Since September 18, 2019, Rmala Alaam, aka Ramla Akhtar cyberstalking on Twitter, under "barefootRamster", is repeated and endless. On November 11, the number of harassment and calumnious delation tweets is over 170. The article is intended to document the reporting sent to Twitter on the same day.

Since September 18, 2019, Rmala Aalam, aka Ramla Akhtar cyberstalking on Twitter, under "barefootRamster", is repeated and endless. On November 11, the total of harassment and calumnious delation tweets against myself is over 170. The article is intended to document the reporting sent to Twitter on the same day.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Ramla Akhtar, the cyberstalker, broke her record: 30 tweets on November 8, against the same person

On September 18, 2019, Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam (RA), BetterBonds (a herbal shop) owner in Hussaini - Gojal - Pakistan mostly shifted her assault from Facebook to Twitter (@barefootRamster). On October 30, she had produced an accumulation of more than 120 tweets of harassment and calumnious delation against one single target. This included spamming highest authorities and agencies from France & Pakistan. See: «Harassment and calumnious delation by the trolling Twitter account, @barefootramster as of November 1st, 2019». On Friday November 8, 2019, this activity went thru a surge with 30 tweets in one single day.    Ramla Akhtar was erroneously mistaken as a troll. It is, now, blattant that she is not a mere-troll as warned on June 24 by a commentator, who knows her personnally. Today, she openly reveals her actual cyberstalker profile. We will first present the theoritical characteristics of cyberstalkers before showing Rmala Aalam 30tweets of November 8, which are all displayed below.
"barefootRamster" the Twitter account of Rmala Aalam, aka Ramla Akhtar

On September 18, 2019, Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam (RA), BetterBonds (a herbal shop) owner in Hussaini - Gojal - Pakistan mostly shifted her assault from Facebook to Twitter (@barefootRamster). On October 30, she had produced an accumulation of more than 120 tweets of harassment and calumnious delation against one single target. This included spamming highest authorities and agencies from France & Pakistan. See: «Harassment and calumnious delation by the trolling Twitter account, @barefootramster as of November 1st, 2019». On Friday November 8, 2019, this activity went thru a surge with 30 tweets in one single day.

Ramla Akhtar was erroneously mistaken as a troll. It is, now, blattant that she is not a mere-troll as warned on June 24 by a commentator, who knows her personnally. Today, she openly reveals her actual cyberstalker profile. We will first present the theoritical characteristics of cyberstalkers before showing Rmala Aalam 30tweets of November 8, which are all displayed below.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Agoravox, Novorossia Today, la psychanalyse de Laurent Courtois, « fake-troll » de St Pétersbourg

Ici, le troll Laurent Courtois (Agoravox, Novorossia Today),  Laurent Alexandre Roger Courtois, né le 10 janvier 1974 à Metz, s'épanche sur messagerie à la suite de la publication de deux articles mettant directement en cause ses pratiques de harcèlement, de calomnie et de diffamation:  "Comment Bernard Grua, pris fait et cause pour l’Ukraine ?" et "Lettre ouverte au troll Laurent Courtois".

Ici, le troll Laurent Courtois (Agoravox, Novorossia Today),  Laurent Alexandre Roger Courtois, né le 10 janvier 1974 à Metz, s'épanche sur messagerie à la suite de la publication de deux articles mettant directement en cause ses pratiques de harcèlement, de calomnie et de diffamation:  "Comment Bernard Grua, pris fait et cause pour l’Ukraine ?" et "Lettre ouverte au troll Laurent Courtois".

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

La liste de Brayard

Le binôme Erwan Castel et Laurent Brayard est l'archétype de l'utilisation outrancière, à Donetsk, dans le Donbass, des "éléments de langage" élaborés par le Kremlin dans le cadre de sa guerre de l'information contre les idéaux du Maïdan et contre l'intégrité territoriale de l'Ukraine. Sur des exemples concrets, nous examinerons comment le très court lexique du Kremlin a été mis en oeuvre pour aboutir à une délation calomnieuse, à diffusion internationale, exploitant le désir de vengeance et les différentes pulsions de la fachosphère. Nous observerons cette activité au regard de celle de leur rival, le troll Laurent Courtois. Ce dernier tient un blog diffamatoire, "Chronique de la (Ukr)haine ordinaire". Il a brièvement envoyé quelques papiers à Novorossia Today, de Donetsk. Il se répand, aujourd'hui, sur Agoravox, média assez bienveillant vis à vis de la "ré-information".

"Mal nommer les choses, c'est ajouter aux malheurs du monde" - Albert Camus

Le binôme Erwan Castel et Laurent Brayard est l'archétype de l'utilisation outrancière, à Donetsk, dans le Donbass, des "éléments de langage" élaborés par le Kremlin dans le cadre de sa guerre de l'information contre les idéaux du Maïdan et contre l'intégrité territoriale de l'Ukraine. Sur des exemples concrets, nous examinerons comment le très court lexique du Kremlin a été mis en oeuvre pour aboutir à une délation calomnieuse, à diffusion internationale, exploitant le désir de vengeance et les différentes pulsions de la fachosphère. Nous observerons cette activité au regard de celle de leur rival, le troll Laurent Courtois. Ce dernier tient un blog diffamatoire, "Chronique de la (Ukr)haine ordinaire". Il a brièvement envoyé quelques papiers à Novorossia Today, de Donetsk. Il se répand, aujourd'hui, sur Agoravox, média assez bienveillant vis à vis de la "ré-information".

Comment Fillon nous montre, paradoxalement, que nous devons occuper notre champ numérique

Aujourd'hui, que l'on soit engagé en politique, dans une cause humanitaire, sociale ou civique, responsable d'entreprise, DRH, on est en mesure de susciter une opposition à ses prises de positions ou décisions et, partant, de risquer une mise à mort numérique. C'est pourquoi il convient de dresser une "forteresse web" autour de son entreprise, de sa cause ou de soi-même. Le cas de François Fillon en est un exemple riche d'enseignements.     Cet article paru en janvier 2017 sur le "Media-Blog" de Bernard Grua montrait la situation d'un homme qui avait "grandi" à l'ombre de Nicolas Sarkozy et n'avaient jamais été confronté à de réelles attaques. Il s'est donc lancé dans la campagne des élections présidentielles avec une extrême vulnérabilité numérique et a été incapable d'imposer ses éléments de langage. Cela concerne chacun d'entre nous pouvant se trouver en butte à des attaques diffamatoires de trolls malveillants
Aujourd'hui, que l'on soit engagé en politique, dans une cause humanitaire, sociale ou civique, responsable d'entreprise, DRH, on est en mesure de susciter une opposition à ses prises de positions ou décisions et, partant, de risquer une mise à mort numérique. C'est pourquoi il convient de dresser une "forteresse web" autour de son entreprise, de sa cause ou de soi-même. Le cas de François Fillon en est un exemple riche d'enseignements. 

Contre-propagande et promotion: Pinterest, un outil déterminant pour occuper votre champ numérique ou celui d'une cause qui vous tient à cœur

En janvier 2019 Pinterest est devenu le meilleur vecteur d'audience de mon blog. Il a apporté un nombre de visiteurs 4 fois supérieur à celui des moteurs de recherche et 15 fois supérieur à celui de Facebook. Voici les enseignements qu'il est possible d'en tirer notamment en ce qui concerne la lutte contre les fake-news et/ou pour lutter contre l'occupation de votre espace numérique par des trolls diffamateurs.

Cyber-guerre, l'Etat français commence à prendre la mesure des forces de destructions qui sont à l'oeuvre

Les élections législatives, pour les Français de l'étranger, ne pourront pas se tenir par vote électronique en raison de la cyber-guerre du Kremlin.

Article publié le 16 mars 2017 sur le blog Bernard Grua 

 L'Ambassade de France à Kiev communique le 13/03/2017: "Le vote électronique aux élections législatives est annulé pour raisons de sécurité":
"En raison du contexte actuel, caractérisé par un niveau de menace extrêmement élevé de cyberattaques, il a été décidé, sur recommandation de l’Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d’information (ANSSI), de ne pas recourir au vote électronique pour les élections législatives de juin 2017. Nous vous rappelons que le vote par internet n’était pas prévu pour l’élection présidentielle."

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Harassment and calumnious denunciation by the trolling Twitter account, @barefootramster as of November 1st, 2019

Between September 18, 2019, and September 24, 2019, Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, spent six whole days to frenetically post, under BarefootRamster, her Twitter account, harassment and calumnious delation Tweets against myself.

Between September 18, 2019, and September 24, 2019, Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam (RA), spent six whole days to frenetically post, under BarefootRamster, her Twitter account, harassment and calumnious delation tweets against myself. Meanwhile, she spammed my city (Nantes) representatives, NGO's and French Police. She also spammed the highest authorities from Pakistan and France (including President Macron). In total, it was 89 tweets (i.e. Almost 15 tweets per day against the same person). From September 26, 2019, to October 30, 2019, the trolling activity was maintained with 31 extra tweets. In total it comes to 120 tweets.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Twitter harassment storm by Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam

In a short period of time, I received 89 harassment tweets from the same Twitter account, @barefootRamster, belonging to Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam (RA). It was a retaliation following the article about her child maltreatment "Is Rmala Aalam guilty of maltreatment against her child?" and the one posted on the French news website, Agoravox: "Pakistan, extremism as a consequence of retardation or as a modernity crisis?"

In a short period of time, I received 89 harassment tweets from the same Twitter account, @barefootRamster, belonging to Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam (RA). It was a retaliation following the article about her child maltreatment "Is Rmala Aalam guilty of maltreatment against her child?" and the one posted on the French news website, Agoravox: "Pakistan, extremism as a consequence of retardation or as a modernity crisis?"
Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, Twitter page header

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Is Rmala Aalam guilty of maltreatment against her child?

While Rmala Aalam, aka Ramla Akhtar, is instrumentalising her unfortunate child to cover her hate speech, her xenophobia, her extremism and her call for violences, we cannot stand anymore such a manipulation. It is time to speak.

While Rmala Aalam, aka Ramla Akhtar, is instrumentalising her unfortunate child to cover her hate speech, her xenophobia, her extremism and her call for violences, we cannot stand anymore such a manipulation. It is time to speak.

Here below, is a collection of testimonies about her child maltreatment that were spontaneously received as comments under the report already communicated to Pakistani authorities: Report of a French traveler about a domestic hate speech against the Wakhi minority of Chapursan Valley and its male international guests - credibility assessment of an alleged sexual conspiracy against local women and foreign female visitors – concerns about an emerging external extremism.

Rmala Aaalam's reaction to BetterBonds review of products and services

Rmala Aalam, aka Ramla Akhtar (RA), is the manager and the owner of «BetterBonds», an herbal shop located near Hussaini Bridge, Gulmit, Gojal, Hunza. She sells medicines and treatment packs against cancer, diabetes, mental disorders, obesity, bone weakness, etc. She also provides medical consultations. I published a review of her shop on her page. The review and the following comments from both sides have already been detailed in an article: BetterBonds, herbal shop of Gojal - Review of products and services.     As she was not able to obtain the balanced review removed by Facebook she massively uses the audience of her Facebook shop page and her Facebook blog page  to gain reporting in pack to the moderator, in order get the review removed. Meanwhile, she publishes numerous posts with "ad personam" attacks and unsupported allegations. Here, we will focus just on her posts where she demands help for getting support in obtaining the review to be removed by Facebook moderation.

Rmala Aalam, aka Ramla Akhtar (RA), is the manager and the owner of «BetterBonds», an herbal shop located near Hussaini Bridge, Gulmit, Gojal, Hunza. She sells medicines and treatment packs against cancer, diabetes, mental disorders, obesity, bone weakness, etc. She also provides medical consultations. I published a review of her shop on her page. The review and the following comments from both sides have already been detailed in an article: BetterBonds, herbal shop of Gojal - Review of products and services.As she was not able to obtain the balanced review removed by Facebook she massively uses the audience of her Facebook shop page and her Facebook blog page  to gain reporting in pack to the moderator, in order get the review removed. Meanwhile, she publishes numerous posts with "ad personam" attacks and unsupported allegations. Here, we will focus just on her posts where she demands help for getting support in obtaining the review to be removed by Facebook moderation.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

BetterBonds, herbal shop of Gojal - Review of products and services

BetterBonds, BetterBonds, is a herbal shop located near Hussaini bridge, Gojal, Hunza Valley, Pakistan. It is owned by Mss Rmala Aalam, aka Ramla Akar. Here below, is the review published on its two Facebook pages. BetterBonds by Rmala - Integrated Folk Remedies For Your Joy & Wellness and BetterBonds Natural Products for Joy & Wellbeing  On September 16, 2019, the same review was published on both pages: first publication and second publication.  These reviews did not received proper business comments according to Facebook community policies. Instead they resulted, mostly, on unsupported attack "ad personam".

BetterBonds is a herbal shop located near Hussaini bridge, Gojal, Hunza Valley, Pakistan. It is owned by Mss Rmala Aalam, aka Ramla Akar. Here below, is the review published on its two Facebook pages. BetterBonds by Rmala - Integrated Folk Remedies For Your Joy & Wellness and BetterBonds Natural Products for Joy & Wellbeing
On September 16, 2019, the same text was published on both pages: first publication and second publication.  These reviews did not received proper business comments according to Facebook community policies. Instead they resulted, mostly, in unsupported attacks "ad personam". The discusion is presented below. It is evidenced with the screen captures presented in exhibit 2.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Hunza: who dares saying Rmala Aalam, aka Ramla Akhtar, is a terrorist?

On September 13, 2019, Rmala Aalam (aka Ramla Akhtar, RA), claimed the persistence of a rumour saying she is a terrorist. There are, as usual with her statements, no evidences of such a rumour which is part of her victimisation discourse for her naive worshippers. However, numerous examples of RA hate for local Hunza people and for foreigners visiting them can be found. Spreading unsupported abject sexual allegations, creating distrust, slandering, instrumentalising religion, playing with a fake puritanism, building false quotes of people she wants to abuse.

On September 13, 2019, Rmala Aalam (aka Ramla Akhtar, RA), claimed the persistence of a rumour saying she is a terrorist. There are, as usual with her statements, no evidences of such a rumour which is part of her victimisation discourse for her naive worshippers. However, numerous examples of RA hate for local Hunza people and for foreigners visiting them can be found. Spreading unsupported abject sexual allegations, creating distrust, slandering, instrumentalising religion, playing with a fake puritanism, building false quotes of people she wants to abuse, sharing all possible racist cliches, this person is fueling the fanatism which may pave the way for imported violent actions. Her recent posts are intended to make excessive and ridiculous any observations which may result from her current and last years behaviour in Gojal. This "reputation washing" effort is also an opportunity to stage herself during a period she lived in a big city before bringing chaos, suspicion and fanatism into a peaceful mountain valley.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Chapursan Valley: The success of Baba Ghundi Festival, a blattant debunk of Ramla Aktar's defamation

At the end of Chapursan Valley, Baba Ghundi Festival success, in this July 2019, was a scathing of the disgusting, insane and slandering words, publications and manipulations launched by the troll Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam. Her wish to install distrust, hatred and division in between or against Chapursan Valley people just wrecked. Moreover she got the most severe denial from a female foreign traveller, a category of people in the name of whom she pretends to be talking. The delirious dimension of her attacks just made the valley realize how creepy are this witch and her crap. It also helps to understand that this permanent gall flood can not be tolerated anymore. Things have gone too far. For the peace and the harmony, which made Hunza Valley so famous, Ramla Akhtar, the outsider as she calls herself, has to leave and the sooner the better.

At the end of Chapursan Valley, Baba Ghundi Festival success, in this July 2019, was a scathing of the disgusting, insane and slandering words, publications and manipulations launched by the troll Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam. Her wish to install distrust, hatred and division in between or against Chapursan Valley people just wrecked. Moreover she got the most severe denial from a female foreign traveller, a category of people in the name of whom she pretends to be talking. The delirious dimension of her attacks just made the valley realize how creepy is her hate speech. It also helps to understand that this permanent gall flood can not be tolerated anymore. Things have gone too far. For the peace and the harmony, which made Hunza Valley so famous, Ramla Akhtar, the outsider as she calls herself, has to leave and the sooner the better.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Hunza: interviews with an outsider-troll

Complete interviews with Ramla Akhtar,  the troll «outsider-resident » of Hussaini. An annoying reading but a good opportunity to understand why real trolls differ from normal people and why sometimes it is so difficult to understand their goals and their manipulations

Complete interviews with the troll «outsider-resident » of Hussaini. An annoying reading but a good opportunity to understand why real trolls differ from normal people and why sometimes it is so difficult to understand their goals and their manipulations.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Open letter N°4 to a troll from a so-called “rapist and pedophile buddy”: what is the value of the “real-fake” evidences you cooked?

Follow us Facebook, on Pinterest, on Flickr

Ramla Akhtar, in the first open letter, we explained why all your assertions could not be believed upfront. In the following one we examined your troll cookbook and your method. In the third letter we observed your troll way of cooking based on actual examples. We learned how you push your victims to such an exasperation level that they will write private messages which, once screen captured, can "evidence" what you are talking about, subject to the fact they are quoted without their context. Here, we will review your two key evidences, the basis of your fiction, two screen captures, to have an opinion on how they support your speech. Eventually, we will conclude your "real-fake" evidence cannot have a better destination than the trash one.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Open letter N°3 to a troll from a, so-called, “rapist and pedophile buddy.” In the troll kitchen, practical case of cooking “real-fake” evidences

Follow us Facebook, on Pinterest, on Flickr

In the previous letter, Ramla Akhtar, we presented your troll cookbook, let's go into your kitchen for a practical case. With tangible examples we will see how runs your model for cooking the reality. There is your Facebook (FB) blog page “Black Mountain, Dragon Soul - a Wounded Mystic Spins Her Yarn”  where you present your lies after having selected the person you decided to fight with. This is the main engine of your trolling system. There is also your FB personal page, part time involved in the process “Rmala Aalam” , especially when FB closes your blog page as a sanction for posts, contrary to its policy (like between June 2nd and June 6th.). Additionally, you spread your tentacles into other available spaces, which are essential for getting meat while you closed your pages for any answers.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Open letter N°2 to a troll from a so-called “rapist and pedophile buddy.” The troll cooking model for the production of “real-fake” evidences

An emetic but useful “intimate frequentation” of your production and behavior, Ramla Akhtar, over the last month was an unusual revelation and an interesting internship in your expert process of cooking facts and events.

An emetic but useful “intimate frequentation” of your production and behavior, Ramla Akhtar, over the last month was an unusual revelation and an interesting internship in your expert process of cooking facts and events. A personal experience of your dealings reveals some keys of your operational model. That's what we will review. For this analysis it will be also referred to some chapters of the article: “Report of a French traveler about a domestic hate speech against the Wakhi minority of Chapursan Valley and its male international guests - credibility assessment of an alleged sexual conspiracy against local women and foreign female visitors – concerns about an emerging external extremism.”  Below, it will be called “the report.”

Friday, June 28, 2019

Open letter N°1 to a troll from a so called “rapist and pedophile buddy.” Why no normal person can believe you?

Why, Ramla Akhtar, I let you write I am the «buddy of a rapist», the «friend of a pedophile»?

Why, Ramla Akhtar, I let you write I am the «buddy of a rapist», the «friend of a pedophile»? It is just because all that I could materially check from your writings was forgery. All is exposed in this report. I have no reasons to believe in what you say about anybody and forcibely about a man you want to take revenge from. 
Am I alone? Can any people trust you? Can someone believe you when you say a man is a rapist and a pedophile? Unfortunately, no normal person. Whose responsibility for this mistrust is? You, simply you. You, Ramla Akhtar, made objectively impossible for normal people to trust you and to believe into your rape and pedophilia allegations. Let's  ask very simple questions.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Analysis of a new troll conspiracy theory: the "secretly coordinated terror campaign"

Explanations about, a new conspiracy, the «secret terror campaign », it is supposed, according to the Pakistani Ramla Akhtar (RA), being managed against her. Let's see if it is a tangible, a staged, a neurotic or a paranoiac assessment. Eventually, our analysis will not help us to find the proper qualification. However, we will explore a parallel world where a virtual reality could be the norm. It is an initiation to the dark maze of a troll from a celestial dimension.

Explanations about, a new conspiracy, the «secret terror campaign », it is supposed, according to the Pakistani Ramla Akhtar (RA), being managed against her. Let's see if it is a tangible, a staged, a neurotic or a paranoiac assessment. Eventually, our analysis will not help us to find the proper qualification. However, we will explore a parallel world where a virtual reality could be the norm. It is an initiation to the dark maze of a troll from a celestial dimension.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

No Freedom for Hate Speech

We strongly oppose the way a hatred campaign is fuelled against a man, his family and his community. It is not “the justice” as invocated by a freak. It is injustice. It is dangerously irresponsible when an ethnic and religious minority is concerned, especially in a country “as explosive as Pakistan” (own troll's words). This is not acceptable.!

It should not be a Facebook decision that the a man is innocent or guilty.

We strongly oppose the way a hatred campaign is fuelled against a man, his family and his community. It is not “the justice” as invocated by a freak. It is injustice. It is dangerously irresponsible when an ethnic and religious minority is concerned, especially in a country “as explosive as Pakistan” (own troll's words). This is not acceptable.!

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Rmala Aalam (FB personal page)'s tale going on - an incredible troll case

Rmala Aalam, aka Ramla Akhtar is a resident of Hussaini (Gojal). Her case was presented in this analysis: "Hunza: exploring the hidden secrets of Chapursan Valley with the Black Mountain Dragon". It is interesting to understand how a troll like her continues to add new captions in her endless re-interpretings of the same things. The main discourse is victimization. Everytime she goes higher in the dramatization of her fictional tale. Although only some racist and slander posts on her page were argued, three weeks ago, before she deleted them quickly. Eventually, the above article was produced to give a better understanding of this "supernatural" unusual scenario. This thread will be regularly fed by the posts of the Rmala Aalam's personnal page.
Photo from video of  Facebook public blog page "Black Mountain Dragon..."

Rmala Aalam, aka Ramla Akhtar is a resident of Hussaini (Gojal). Her case was presented in this analysis: "Hunza: exploring the hidden secrets of Chapursan Valley with the Black Mountain Dragon". It is interesting to understand how a troll like her continues to add new captions in her endless re-interpretings of the same things. The main discourse is victimization. Everytime she goes higher in the dramatization of her fictional tale. Although only some racist and slander posts on her page were argued, three weeks ago, before she deleted them quickly. Eventually, the above article was produced to give a better understanding of this "supernatural" unusual scenario.
This thread will be regularly fed by the posts of the Rmala Aalam's personnal page.

Black Mountain Dragon's (FB blog page) tale going on - an incredible troll case in Hunza

Rmala Aalam, aka Ramla Akhtar  is a resident of Hussaini (Gojal). Her case was presented in this analysis: "Hunza: exploring the hidden secrets of Chapursan Valley with the Black Mountain Dragon". It is interesting to understand how a troll like her continues to add new captions in her endless re-interpretings of the same things. The main discourse is victimization. Everytime she goes higher in the dramatization of her fictional tale. Although only some racist and slander posts on her page were argued, three weeks ago, before she deleted them quickly. Eventually, the above article was produced to give a better understanding of this "supernatural" unusual scenario. This thread will be regularly fed by the posts of her blog page Black Mountain, Dragon Soul - a Wounded Mystic Spins Her Yarn . Stay tuned.
Photo from video of  Facebook public blog page "Black Mountain Dragon..."

Rmala Aalam, aka Ramla Akhtar  is a resident of Hussaini (Gojal). Her case was presented in this analysis: "Hunza: exploring the hidden secrets of Chapursan Valley with the Black Mountain Dragon". It is interesting to understand how a troll like her continues to add new captions in her endless re-interpretings of the same things. The main discourse is victimization. Everytime she goes higher in the dramatization of her fictional tale. Although only some racist and slander posts on her page were argued, three weeks ago, before she deleted them quickly. Eventually, the above article was produced to give a better understanding of this "supernatural" unusual scenario.
This thread will be regularly fed by the posts of her blog page Black Mountain, Dragon Soul - a Wounded Mystic Spins Her Yarn . Stay tuned.

Ramla Akhtar post of May 12, 2019 on her Facebook page "Black Mountain Dragon"

May 12, 2019: False women blogger accounts, drug & sex conspiracy, single female travelers sex exploited,  raping as a tradition, Kyrgyz weddings, dance & cannibals

I laugh with tears when I read dreamy (false) blogger accounts of "tourism in Pakistan". LOL. When I came up North in 2013, truly solo and on my own (without security and a team of male guards who remain out of picture in fake bloggers' reviews), locals went berserk.
Forcing travelers one way or another into drugs and sex and giving paid entertainment to male guides is a time-honored tradition.... and damn you if you don't abide. THE ONLY TIME IT WON'T HAPPEN IS WHEN YOU ARE WITH A GROUP OR CLEARLY SOME SORT OF MEDIA/INTERNET PERSON. Even then, their itch is strong and they are hoping to rip your well-guarded neck off and assault you most brutally.... they just CAN'T, that is the problem.
Men even in their 80's demand hosts to hand over the guest to them for the night. Women of these regions are part of the game; they cooperate to provide booty to males. Like in a movie from some crazy remote century.... if it were possible they would abduct you and throw you in a den of males aged 15-95.
I seriously mean it.... picking up women right off the field for raping or "marrying" is an actual fucking TRADITION! If you don't believe me just look up documentaries on "marriage" in Central Asia!
Hold on let me look them up for you.
<a couple of minutes of googling...>
Here you go, friends!
((See photos... and next time, just ask locals.))
☆ Bride kidnapping is a thing!
☆ Old men trying to be the first to rape a virgin teen girl is a THING!!
☆ Demanding tourists and travelers to just SURRENDER is an actual fucking thing and COUNTLESS women have been put in compromised positions and sometimes "rescued" by ally parties in the nick of time or just after...
YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE IT UNTIL YOU SEE IT but you better believe the craziness that exists!

The Eva Zu Beckers of the blogging world will neither tell you not really know what actual shit flies around in reality!
They don't know and they won't tell you that a famous NGO worker who almost killed himself with workaholicism trying to ESTABLISH SCHOOLS FOR GIRLS also FORCED GIRLS INTO SEX WITH HIM in the Islamabad branch of one of the hostels for girls! Yup. That was simply, according to him, part of his entitlement and "salary". Can anyone effing believe it?

At first and for very long, neither did I.
But it happened. And folks know it.
مگر لاوء اپنے گواہ اگر لاسکتے ہو ورنہ سب کچھ جان کر بهی چپ کرکے بیٹهے رہو.
Enjoy the whimsical drop into a pocket of some past forgotten century!!!!
If you come to these regions and say WOW WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON they respond HOW DARE YOU COME TO OUR REGION AND CHALLENGE OUR **TRADITIONS**. Open sex hunts are ACCEPTABLE here and you will not believe it until you see it... the indescribably CRAZY realities of the world!!
The men have a peculiar dance and if you look closely... well it's what I call a peacock dance.... the "come to me woman" mating ritual dance.
It's like walking into the materialization of some truly odd episode of National Geographic.
All fun and games when you watch it on TV but not so much fun anymore when you are the equivalent of Johnny Depp as a pirate, being hauled off by cannibals.
Shit. Just. Gaat. Reeaaaalllll!!!! 😂😂😂😄😄😅😯😕😣😦😧


Screen capture of the links given above by Ramla Akhtar

Ramla Akhtar  (aka Rmala Aalam) uses Kyrgyz forced wedding to illustrate Wakhi women conditions
Ramla Akhtar  (aka Rmala Aalam) uses Kyrgyz forced wedding to illustrate Wakhi women conditions

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The complete detailed posts  of Ramla Akhtar hate speech against the ethnic and religious Wakhi minority from May 7, 2019 to June 10, 2029 is here: Hunza : the Black Mountain Dragon anthology

Monday, June 17, 2019

Hunza : the Black Mountain Dragon anthology

This is the documentation for the article: "The incredible hate tale of an extremist troll dreaming of revenge and destruction against a minority of an high Karakoram valley". We decided to publish the original posts of the troll a resident of Hussaini (Gojal). Let's remind us, before, a few things.
Photos: Facebook public blog page "Black Mountain Dragon" & Passu par Bernard Grua

This is the documentation for the article: "The incredible hate tale of an extremist troll dreaming of revenge and destruction against a minority of an high Karakoram valley". We decided to publish the original posts of the troll a resident of Hussaini (Gojal). Let's remind us, before, a few things. 

On her Facebook blog page, «Black Mountain, Dragon Soul - a Wounded Mystic Spins Her Yarn », Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam exposes her vision about her esoteric missions regarding a Wakhi community living in a high and remote valley of the Karakorams, Northern Pakistan. She denounces a large sex abuse conspiracy in an environment of altitude, drug, alcohol and dances, involving all inhabitants, from kids to oldest persons and their foreign visitors. She explains how it relates, according to her, to the tradition, the religion and the racism of this small ethinicty of Persian origin and of Ismaili faith. In this article are presented her related posts respecting her typo, her grammar and her style. In a privacy concern the people names exposed in her text have been coded. Only the titles, actually just key words while each post addresses several different issues, have been added. Readers are warned about the fact that all the following statements are opposed by local people and by one French traveler who got his attention brought to these writings. They are encouraged to learn more about the deep analysis introduced above. The present website underlines the writings are the sole responsibility of their author, Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam.