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Photo from video of Facebook public blog page "Black Mountain Dragon..." |
This thread will be regularly fed by the posts of the Rmala Aalam's personnal page.
Follow also the thread of her FB Blog Page: Black Mountain, Dragon Soul - a Wounded Mystic Spins Her Yarn
Note: some posts have been removed by Facebook before they could be reported here
Using racism, sexism & xenophobia hate speech
Teasing Muslim extremism &/or blaspheming using God to support her lies
Reporting terror & harassment for gaining support
Porn accusations
It is as easy as looking into his Facebook to find out he had been grooming very young girls. My fault is that I found out... and now his most vicious supporter tells me ITS MY FAULT (even though I was a kid in my hometown when this career criminal started in his valley) AND HE WILL EAT MY HEART OUT. Can you effing believe that?
Facebook deletes my posts and blocks me. If I posted a photo of me wrong-strapping my kid in a carseat, gunship helicopters would appear in airspace. Well not really but people would want to smash me like I am OBL.
But tell them that a well-known rapist is grooming girls and trafficking guests.. and I get blocked for bullying.
Thank you patriarchy. You are diabolical.
I don't know how I sustain the extreme terror I am subjected to. A gruesome (silent, secret) campaign is on against me; a heinous man who has assaupted and raped countless girls and women roams free in the hinterlands of Pakistan. When captured he claims THEY OVERTOOK HIM. Yup. Little girls overtook a 6+ feet polo playing high altitude porter. 😂😂😄😄😄😄
It reminds me of the psychopaths like the fictitious Hannibal Lecter who claim THEY JUST HAD TO EAT THEIR GUEST... WHY THE F DID THE GUEST SHOW UP?? 😣
What I can't believe is that THIS SHIT IS HAPPENING FOR REAL. A gruesome rapist and his friends are holding ME responsible for their crimes simply because I have found out what they do.
Help needed.
Need to translate and understand what this website says:
Need to translate and understand what this website says:
I have been practicing... and my singing has got better. Alhamdolillah. Forever technically-challenged, I am wondering how to record. Live videos, may be? Depends on the Internet speed.
I have been practicing... and my singing has got better. Alhamdolillah. Forever technically-challenged, I am wondering how to record. Live videos, may be? Depends on the Internet speed.
I am sick and tired of dealing with vicious, wild, voracious men (and their ally women). First they attack you then they claim to he innocent baby virgin chicken plucked at by a feminist hen. Seriously WTF. What the total incel fuck.
This just needs to go.
I want to occupy me, my dreams, my talents, my self. This petty place that I occupy for who knows what diabolical cause and reason (the love of the common people?? 😮😕😑)... it needs to go.
I want to occupy me, my dreams, my talents, my self. This petty place that I occupy for who knows what diabolical cause and reason (the love of the common people?? 😮😕😑)... it needs to go.
I just .. I just love to transcend these crabby crusty narratives. I am done, so done. I dreams of sending flowers to my enemies -- ha ha... when I was younger I did stuff like that but it feels a little too compassionatey of me right now.
Why am I not compassionate anymore?
LOL you must be kidding me.
I know people have seen worse but for my flat frozen middle-class upbringing... seeing guns pointed at my face and on my family's chest is enough. Losing our wealth overnight is enough. Violations of childhood sanctity and safety are enough.
LOL you must be kidding me.
I know people have seen worse but for my flat frozen middle-class upbringing... seeing guns pointed at my face and on my family's chest is enough. Losing our wealth overnight is enough. Violations of childhood sanctity and safety are enough.
Not being allowed to sing... that was enough.
I don't have any tools anymore... and I have received further threats of violence from mad volatile men. Hmm. What the eff can one do?
The madness will go on.
I try to look at my tools and resourcefulness and there isn't much lying around. That's cool. That's a knock on heaven's door.
My helplessness is my salvation.
I am going to sing.
Social media is shitty but may be it's only here that I will start a music page. All the same I remember the singer on Istaqlal Street in Istanbul. I had said: "Wow let's forget me and become him."
Social media is shitty but may be it's only here that I will start a music page. All the same I remember the singer on Istaqlal Street in Istanbul. I had said: "Wow let's forget me and become him."
I was so happy in 2012. I had spent several years quietly deleting my social media... severing friendships that felt they were sinking me, erasing my identity and slowly disappearing.
I felt BLISSED OUT at being anonymous. Not that I was ever well-know but I do work at high energy and speed and generate a lot of attention and make a lot of noise. I am a rattling machine so often... puffing huffing clicking clanking.
Actually that clatter is my way of... dealing with an Inexplicable Calm that has resided in my core often... leading me to do apparently mad things.
In 2007 when the guman put his gun on my father's chest... for a few seconds I dreamed of the unthinkable... and I instantly shifted into the bodymind of the possible me who will be dealing with the Aftermath, God forbid. My transition was super-quick, so superquick that my brain often refuses to accept today that I am not an orphan. Shamans would say soul loss occurred.
On another plane, my soul gained another life.
The orphan who lived and moved on.
The orphan who lived and moved on.
In that instance though I took microseconds to re materialize next to my father's side and I said to the gunman: "What is your problem? You need stuff and money, I will give it to you."
I asked my parents and a child who was with us that day in that room to stay seated. I didn't say "Don't panic", that's not possible.
I said, "If you panic just pray. Don't say this or that. These men want the stuff -- and out. There is no point resisting them." I took the men to the other room and calmly guided them through as if I were a real state agent and they... buyers politely wafting through. Picking stuff.
Picking the last of my gold jewelry (and desi folks know how BIG are we on gold) and my furst ever mobile phone I bought from my own income. 🙏☝
Later that year I went to a Sufi school and they were trying to teach me #gratefulness and #detachment. A big revelation was made of LIVING IN THE MOMENT.
I looked on in diffused amazement from Planet Rmala. Ha ha ha ha ha.
Detachment, as in handing the last bit of your gold yourself to a thug? Okaaayyy...where did I see that before?? 😄😄😄😄😄😄😂😂😂😂
They lectured and lectured and lectured until my brain was fucked.
Unable to find the crap in me that they were diagnosing so keenly, I have ever since been looking for crap.
Unable to find the crap in me that they were diagnosing so keenly, I have ever since been looking for crap.
I try to be bad mad irresponsible.
The mettle shines through.
In the middle of fucked-upness....
I break into song.
I break into song.
ONCE UPON A TIME a shepherd boy met a girl in the forest. She was lost. She claimed she was a princess. He brought her home and led her to his mother.
ONCE UPON A TIME a shepherd boy met a girl in the forest. She was lost. She claimed she was a princess. He brought her home and led her to his mother.
The mother decided to test the claim.
At night she put a pea under twenty blankets, and let the girl sleep on the pile.
In the morning she asked the girl: "Did you sleep well?"
"I did indeed.", said the guest politely. "HOWEVER there was a little something under my blankets and at times at night I tossed and turned!"
The mother turned to the boy and said: "This one sensed a pea under 20 layers of wool. This one is a princess."
In the midst of crisis, the song breaks out.
Lost in the forest, the Princess remains Royal.
In the midst of crisis, the song breaks out.
Lost in the forest, the Princess remains Royal.
((IDIOTS who read such posts think I am delusional. Apologies but in many traditions, one speaks in parables. I am not a princess. All I mean to say is that human character can break through crisis. And that's all, literalist-envious babes!*))
* no worries I don't mean my friends or readers just a particular psychopath who is after me these days, pulling their hair over my discourse.
Remember I mentioned I am working on the case of a #CouchSurfing host who has been abusing and trafficking his guests for over two decades?
Well, I worked with a prospective female guest and last week we got his 15-ish years old CouchSurfing account closed forever! As of now, this one large gate to that infamous dragon's lair is NOW CLOSED! 🙏☝🎊🎉💥
We first got his #WorkAway account canceled.
Both WorkAway and CouchSurfing allow travekers to find free hosting... in exchsnge for work at WorkAway and gratis through CouchSurfing.
This leads to a strange problem whereby the guests feel obliged to the hosts. (Read this, and note how despite bizarre behavior by hosts guests often "didn't want to upset the host": https://thoughtcatalog.com/…/13-creeped-out-travelers-expl…/)
Typically CouchSurfing and WorkAway hosts are in areas where there were few amenities like hotels and phones. So these areas are overwhelming anyway. OF COURSE NOT ALL CS are that offsite.... but WA typically is.
Anyway. Two paths to the infamous beastly host (ask about his reputation locally, don't rely on my account) are NOW CLOSED.
We are simultaneously moving through formal legal channels. Those will take time.
The man also has "backing" from various person vested in his continuity. Let's see what can be done about that.
Kind regards.
I cannot tag for their privacy the mountaineer and tour operator friends on this post. But you know who you are. If you are reading this, a part of the task is done.
My posts are being tagged as harassment by a couple or more persons affected by the revelations. The revelation I am making is about an abusive CouchSurfing host. I think Facebook should allow female travelers to be warned and not see this as hate/bullying... how is it hate/bullying if some women are being protected? Please reach me if you care so I can direct you to inspect the proof. Kind regards.
My posts are being tagged as harassment by a couple or more persons affected by the revelations. The revelation I am making is about an abusive CouchSurfing host. I think Facebook should allow female travelers to be warned and not see this as hate/bullying... how is it hate/bullying if some women are being protected? Please reach me if you care so I can direct you to inspect the proof. Kind regards.
Looking for some hours of help from a person fluent in written #French. I have floated an ad online too; but if one of you are adept please inbox. The content to be written is legal in nature; essentially we are writing a letter or more to cybercrime authorities and human rights organizations in France. The content requires sensitivity and care. Do not leave a comment, just inbox.
Looking for some hours of help from a person fluent in written #French. I have floated an ad online too; but if one of you are adept please inbox. The content to be written is legal in nature; essentially we are writing a letter or more to cybercrime authorities and human rights organizations in France. The content requires sensitivity and care. Do not leave a comment, just inbox.
We need help wading through websites such aas these: https://www.internet-signalement.gouv.fr/…/Accueil!input.ac…
I also appreciate local support within Paris as we will be writing to and following up with a couple of women rights and human rights organizations. Anyone to educate me a bit about French culture and outlook pertaining to these matters is welcome to reach in the inbox. Regards.
((Local Pakistani authorities are in the loop; we are just building quick support for liaison overseas. Regards.))
What sort of men threaten, abuse, compete with a badly-wounded single parent? I am physically ill... a liver disaster nesrly took my life 7 years ago... to calm the terrifying liver heat I have to live in extreme cold. I had to have my toxic blood extracted a few times. It was only years after a medical malreaction that I was able to eat and digest again. There are people in Islamabad who witnessed how I struggled as a single mother, abandoned and out of my mind. ((A couple of themselves-mothers helped... may Allah raise their ranks. One of them was the angelic wife of my evil landlord who mocked his own disabled child by aping her broken sentences. Another was a lovely Hindu lady whose right belief guided her in helping me and my child. She cooked for us and even washed my clothes... because due to severe edema I could barely touch water. Another was an Afghan overwhelmed by war... she had had saffron brought in for me from Kabul. She said "you have depression. I will have my brother-in-law bring Saffron and I will send gifts once vack in Afghanistan... Later I gave a pinch of her saffron for the sick-since-a-month chuld of a Lahore Mom. Child was OK eithin minutes of me touching him.... the mother is a friend-fan to date.)) ~~ These people sae my struggles. They saw me drinking pots of turmeric tea to control edema and ease infections.... that was August 2015.
By February 2016 I still couldn't move. I was losing money like crazy by shifting to an expensive security-camera enhanced residence. I chose this place so I could be monitored and be safe. Eventually I realized my body cannot move because it doesn't have nutrition. And the quickest way to gave nutrition us to have fruit juice.
So I began visiting a juicing spot. We would press apples, carrots, orange. I had them add ginger to it.
I drank 1.5 liters of juice in one go.... once when I got 3 liters bottled my driver objected. I fired him and drank all that juice. It titally absorbed in me. God knows what craxy life-threatening event I had frozen myself into that I was THAT hungry.
Finally once we added green chili to the juice. That was the day my body gained some better mobility and I was able yo overcome some terrifying virua or whatever it was that was disabling me.
I took burning hot shower.
A friend had to arrange meals for me. If I tried to cook it would just destroy. I cook terribly for someone who had been cooking since 12. For a couple of years afterwards until last year I wa sso batty I poured honey in curries and sea buckthorn juice in cherry cordial.
A friend had to arrange meals for me. If I tried to cook it would just destroy. I cook terribly for someone who had been cooking since 12. For a couple of years afterwards until last year I wa sso batty I poured honey in curries and sea buckthorn juice in cherry cordial.
I guess I just needed nutrition.
Despite receiving hatred, terror, threats... I have not budged from cold climate and eaten as much as I need (men get violent when they see me eating... but today these are the man paying me attention and asking me quietly for advice and medicine) ... I got blood building medicine and I am now on a mission to repair my damaged liver.
If you go out of your home in afternoon and return in evening to find the property vandalised, but the logic of the perpetrators is that you are "Taliban" because you are a single mother from a **different race**, who is the responsible party?
Where can I buy a DNA eraser/transformer to become ine from an acceptable race?
What is the proof of my "talibanism"? How many wold women have been part of "the taliban"?
Isn't it a racisl slur to call me Taliban for no good reason?
Isn't it a racisl slur to call me Taliban for no good reason?
Why is Facebook refusing to let me air my questions while a dangerous male is free to steal my information and lifestory and twist to suit his cannibalist revenge??
A man has stolen my private information and published a distorted article based on it, misusing not only me but also the female readers of my blog. He published on blogspot to avoid Facebook systems.
When I post about this he flags my posts as "harassment and defamation", and the system takes my posts down.
May be they need a racially and gender-wuse more inclusive team to revuew posts?
Reporting about harassment and violence is not harassment and violence.
I am testing how this system works.
I have been watching most of the life from detached sidelines. I have therefore neither had much pleasure nor have I faced any real sadness until about a few years ago when I started traveling.
Before that, thanks to the Internet and a vast network of friends and social contacts I was however very tuned in to the affairs of the world. Also I tend to see the world energetically and in terms of emotions and transactions. That sort of seeing doesn't stop at gender, race,time, space, age.
I see a coagulation and a molecule.
All I want to say is that I have never before been the subject of a racial, supremacist, misogynistic attack. I have seen rude people... I have been online since 1998. What I have never seen is an organized attack by a committed supremacist who is a stranger to me, but believes he can direct my local police and men to exile me feom a place eithin Pakistan.
My question is, possibly to experts on such matters is, what would happen to me or my brother if we tried to harass a totally unrelated woman abroad? What kinds of laws apply to such matters?
If such an activity is illlegal, as my common sense says it should be, which authorities do we report to?
Do Asians and women of color have a voice,or are we fair game and easy shot?
This is eye-opening and truly sobering.
Ever since I first set foot in the northern most valley in Pakistan, tongues have been wagging: "Why is a Karachi person here?"
Today I got someone (drunk) on video saying "Why do Karachi and Punjab people come here? They shouldn't!" (Then they mumbled something about "yes but if they behave well"... Sorry but we Karachi mainstream folks don't regularly get drunk and smash cars... not in my background. And at least I am not personally buying or selling drugs or women so I got exactly zero cents to do with this drama. I got nothing to do with meteor showers or Alcatraz breakouts or the powergrid failures in South Korea either. Yes I am "interconnected" but guess what? I am not responsible for people of my city or ethnicity.
Funny thing is MY ethnicity can be openly threatened and abused. But if I shout back... I am the racist.
Even though I care about race only as much as I care about football clubs.
To me it is "street" that if some people abuse my oeople a 1000 times I get at least ONE amgry retort? Like if I go yo Mars and Martisn go on and on about "bad Earth people".. what do you expect me to do?
Earth people are no good to Earth.
Earth people are no good to Earth.
And you know what?
I likewise agreed with these mountain folks that we city people stink.
I likewise agreed with these mountain folks that we city people stink.
It's an age-old narrative anyway... nothing new.
"City people bad, village people good" is the theme of movies Italian and Indian for may be 5o years or more.
"City people bad, village people good" is the theme of movies Italian and Indian for may be 5o years or more.
But does that mean that drunk and dangerous mrn can walk up to me and just GRUNT at me because I belong to my city?
Yes Karavhi people. THATS the TRUTH
I did them no harm.
I have been writing sweet nothing since years.
I did them no harm.
I have been writing sweet nothing since years.
But they hate us.
And that is the truth you will quickly learn.
And that is the truth you will quickly learn.
I would like to know how Facebook systems protect a woman in Pakistan feom threats, bullying and harassment from an UNRELATED male overseas? Any info that we post about BEING BULLIED is censored because it contains strong opinions. How can one have a sugar-coated version of events?
Dear Facebook, a French male has stolen photos from my blog and used them in an incendiary article. I have no relation to that man. I was writing a travek warning about a Pakistani CouchSurfing host in Pakistan. The French FB user, a once guest of that host, threatened me. In turn I tried to explain things to him. He calked me mad and exposed information shared in trust.
So he is taking my private personal information and abusing it. What systems do you have to prevent this swiftly? Why is ot so that a self-identified troll who has a troll page can do as he pleases and there is no damage control.
I am open to be reached by a representative from Facebook or law. I live in a remote region as a single mother raising a child. Yesterday when I called a female senator's office for help, my kid yelled in the background: "MOM! CLEAN MY POTTY!" I decided not to be "the BBC dad"; I interrupted the conversation to let the Personal Assistant know that my kid needs me and will not stop yelling. How can tou quieten a kid who somehow picks exactly the vibe of when her mom has important work or emergency, and starts yelling? If I cover her mouth and someone sees me I am sure I get reported for THAT.
Are any women and mothers reading this?
Are warriors like #JacindaArden and #CherylStrayed and others I can't think of right now reading this?
#Sandberg. I am leaning in.
Too hard, sister.
Are warriors like #JacindaArden and #CherylStrayed and others I can't think of right now reading this?
#Sandberg. I am leaning in.
Too hard, sister.
Where are you?
Rmala Aalam - June 18
If you name a newborn Mohammad Osama today, you can bet the Western nations will out him on a "prospective terror" watchlist, in anticipation of the acts they will say he WILL carry out in 20 years. Because his name has that juju.
But a White supremacist male can terrorize a Muslim female totally unrelated to him, his family his country his business his whole universe... because she just happened to be in a dispute with a MAN HE LIKES.
So it's like a video game now. "You are in a disagreement with my male buddy oversees? Waitaminute whore, I will teach you a lesson!"
The messages I have received from the madman Bernard Grua are TERRIFYING. If the equivalent of this happened from a Muslim male a drone would be burning his village in AFPAK down. They would shoot women and kids as collateral damage.
But their own man is not incriminable until he comrs.out with 20 guns and shoots a few innocents down.
What the F are the systems waiting for??
((I called up a Pakistani senator this morning. I will launch a campaign/response from the capital city or any other suitable location if I have to. Not only has the French male taken my info and distorted it into a shitpile, he has tsken the names.of several other females and mirepresented them entirely. None of us know him.or are related to him nor did we do him any harm BEFORE HE CAME TO ATTACK US. I look forward to this being taken notice of.))
If I talk a about being treated badly on the basis of my race, guess what? *I* will be called the racist!
According to Demon World, the one who names a criminal or a crime is The Bad Person. The big bad fat person who outed Tommy!!!! 😢😢😢😟😟😟
Can you hear the sinister childish sob story?
Which is at once the kind of story abusers have been whispering since the twilight of humanity in the ears of their targets: "You will be very very bad if you tell on me!"
Which is at once the kind of story abusers have been whispering since the twilight of humanity in the ears of their targets: "You will be very very bad if you tell on me!"

I have seen the Internet of the POC be filled with identification of the pathological patterns of the racist-supremacists who are the bane of us all.
But I am suddenly pausing.
The dividw isnnot racial it is behavioral.
There is a class of humans in whom #Wetiko is strong...
There is a class of humans in whom #Wetiko is strong...
My head is spinning I need to pan this out.
And I suppose with a brain as complex as mine,I have a singular ability for accurately defining this pathogrlen for what it is.
And I suppose with a brain as complex as mine,I have a singular ability for accurately defining this pathogrlen for what it is.
The coordinated terror campaign secretly taking place against me will show anyone who is tracking how DANGEROUS is it to speak the truth. How the patriarchy network is strong against women (and men) who dare to break free. How evil works in packs and in coordination.
A Fench White male supremacist who has a strange malevolent nature is after my life since two weeks. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH HIM. Before May 31 2019 I hadn't heard his name. He never met me he doesn't know me. But he is at a campaign of terror and harassment.
My fault? I wrote about the terrors I faced in a valley in Pakistan.
It's my country right?
According to the French supremacist I am a "Sindhi girl" and he will teach me a lesson.
According to the French supremacist I am a "Sindhi girl" and he will teach me a lesson.
Can you fucking believe that?
A French retired naval officer is going to teach a Pakistani a lesson because they wrote about Pakistan.
A French retired naval officer is going to teach a Pakistani a lesson because they wrote about Pakistan.
What kind of madness is this, and where else in the world is it possible??
White jingoist supremacists would have bombed us into oblivion if one of our men dared mess with their women, men, or dog.
Report of a French traveler about a domestic hate speech against the Wakhi minority of Chapursan Valley and its male international guests - credibility assessment of an alleged sexual conspiracy against local women and foreign female visitors – concerns about an emerging external extremism.
Is Rmala Aalam guilty of maltreatment against her child?
Who dares saying Rmala Aalam, aka Ramla Akhtar, is a terrorist?
Pakistan: extremism as a consequence of retardation or as a modernity crisis? The Ramla Akhtar's case.
The success of Baba Ghundi Festival, a blattant debunk of Ramla Aktar's defamation
Harassment and calumnious delation by the trolling Twitter account, @barefootramster as of November 1st, 2019
Twitter harassment storm by Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam
Hunza: interviews with an outsider-troll
Open letters to a troll from a so-called “rapist and pedophile buddy" (troll hoaxes, troll cooking model, troll kitchen practise, troll "real-fake" evidences value)
Analysis of a new troll conspiracy theory: the "secretly coordinated terror campaign"
Rmala Aaalam's reaction to BetterBonds review of products and services
BetterBonds, herbal shop of Gojal - Review of products and services
Hunza : the Black Mountain Dragon anthology
Rmala Aalam (FB personal page)'s tale going on - an incredible troll case
Black Mountain Dragon's (FB blog page) tale going on - an incredible troll case
No freedom for hate speech
Creation of Stop-Trolls twitter account
First evaluation of the counter measures taken to roll back the troll hate speech against the Chapursan Valley Wakhi minority
Complete list of articles about Rmala Aalam
Report of a French traveler about a domestic hate speech against the Wakhi minority of Chapursan Valley and its male international guests - credibility assessment of an alleged sexual conspiracy against local women and foreign female visitors – concerns about an emerging external extremism.
Is Rmala Aalam guilty of maltreatment against her child?
Who dares saying Rmala Aalam, aka Ramla Akhtar, is a terrorist?
Pakistan: extremism as a consequence of retardation or as a modernity crisis? The Ramla Akhtar's case.
The success of Baba Ghundi Festival, a blattant debunk of Ramla Aktar's defamation
Harassment and calumnious delation by the trolling Twitter account, @barefootramster as of November 1st, 2019
Twitter harassment storm by Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam
Hunza: interviews with an outsider-troll
Open letters to a troll from a so-called “rapist and pedophile buddy" (troll hoaxes, troll cooking model, troll kitchen practise, troll "real-fake" evidences value)
Analysis of a new troll conspiracy theory: the "secretly coordinated terror campaign"
Rmala Aaalam's reaction to BetterBonds review of products and services
BetterBonds, herbal shop of Gojal - Review of products and services
Hunza : the Black Mountain Dragon anthology
Rmala Aalam (FB personal page)'s tale going on - an incredible troll case
Black Mountain Dragon's (FB blog page) tale going on - an incredible troll case
No freedom for hate speech
Creation of Stop-Trolls twitter account
First evaluation of the counter measures taken to roll back the troll hate speech against the Chapursan Valley Wakhi minority
Other articles about Hunza & Pamir by Bernard Grua
- FR: Le Grand Jeu : rencontre anglo-russe aux confins du Pamir, de l'Hindou Kouch et du Karakoram
- EN: What to see and what to do in a short period of time in Hunza?
- EN: At the knot of past empires: Zood Khun, a Wakhi village in the high northern mountains of Pakistan
- FR: Chapursan, quand la nuit de Zoodkhun dévoile l’univers
EN: Chapursan, where Zoodkhun nights unveil the universe - FR: La Karakoram Highway, prototype des nouvelles Routes de la Soie?
EN: Karakoram Highway, a prototype of the new Silk Roads? - FR: Quelques réflexions sur le développement d’un tourisme responsable et communautaire dans la vallée de la Hunza, Pakistan
EN: Some reflections about the development of a responsible and community based tourism in Hunza Valley, Pakistan - EN: Tusion, the hidden gem of Pamir
![]() |
Hussaini, where lives Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aaalam, is a peaceful wakhi village of Gojal.It is internationaly famous for its bridge and its magnificent view over Hunza River and Passu Cones |
Where to stay in Chapursan Valley
Pamir Serai guest houses are the traditional homestay of Zoodkhun and Baba Ghundi for external visitors. They are run by the internationaly famous Alam Jan Dario’s family.
Hilltop Guest House is run by Haider Badakhshoni in Reshit.
At the end of Chapursan Valley, Baba Ghundi Festival success, in this July 2019, was a scathing of the disgusting, insane and slandering words, publications and manipulations launched by the troll Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam. Her wish to install distrust, hatred and division in between or against Chapursan Valley people just wrecked. Moreover she got the most severe denial from a female foreign traveller, a category of people in the name of whom she pretends to be talking. The delirious dimension of her attacks just made the valley realize how creepy are this witch and her crap. It also helps to understand that this permanent gall flood can not be tolerated anymore. Things have gone too far. For the peace and the harmony, which made Hunza Valley so famous, Ramla Akhtar, the outsider as she calls herself, has to leave and the sooner the better.
ReplyDeleteRead the article: The success of Baba Ghundi Festival, a good kick in the ass of a troll-witch