At the end of Chapursan Valley, Baba Ghundi Festival success, in this July 2019, was a scathing of the disgusting, insane and slandering words, publications and manipulations launched by the troll Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam. Her wish to install distrust, hatred and division in between or against Chapursan Valley people just wrecked. Moreover she got the most severe denial from a female foreign traveller, a category of people in the name of whom she pretends to be talking. The delirious dimension of her attacks just made the valley realize how creepy is her hate speech. It also helps to understand that this permanent gall flood can not be tolerated anymore. Things have gone too far. For the peace and the harmony, which made Hunza Valley so famous, Ramla Akhtar, the outsider as she calls herself, has to leave and the sooner the better.
Baba Gundhi Festival in the high Chapursan Valley at the bottom of Irshad Pass
Hunza: The eleventh two-day Baba Ghundi Festival concluded in Chipurson valley, near the Pak-Afghan border area in Gojal-Upper Hunza.
"The festival was held near the shrine of local Sufi Baba Ghundi in Ziarat Chipurson.
Traditional games polo, yak race, buzkashi, neza bazi, tug of war, and traditional music and dances were the main features of the event this year.
Through their performances, the renowned Sufi singer Saeen Zahoor and Sufi dancer Wahab Shah paid tribute to the local saint Baba Ghundi.
Force Commander Gilgit Baltistan Major General Ehsan Mehmood Khan was the chief guest of the final day event. He distributed prizes among the winning team.
Force commander appreciated efforts of the local community and Gilgit-Baltistan government for the promotion of tourism in this remote area.
Report: Ali Ahmed"
Posted by PAMIR TIMES on Monday, July 22, 2019
Eva Zu Beck an independant foreign female and a qualified testimony
Posted by Bernard Grua on his Facebook page - Monday, July 22, 2019
"I was horrified by what wrote an urban racist and fanatic person from a southern big city about the people (a religious and ethnic minority) living in high altitude Chapursan Valley. This girl invented the worst and the most ignominious lies to harm this people and refrain foreign visitors visiting them. If this region is not made for an urban person unable to adapt, the best thing is for her to leave. Nobody will regret her departure.Here below are captures of public posts. It is an independant feed-back published by a normal foreign female person, used to mountain and to travels, about Chapursan Valley.
Below are captures of stories shared by Eva Zu Beck on Instagram.
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Eva Zu Beck famous experienced female traveller and blogger. A feed back on Zood Khun guesthouse owner shared by numerous people all over the world. Capture of an Eva Zu Beck's Instagram public "story". Picture in front of a wall painting made by a german traveller, friend of the family since 15 years, and wife of a famous French photographer. |
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Zoodkhun guest-house, altitude 3300m, a simple but friendly legend for all real travellers - Not suitable for non adaptable urban people. Capture of an Eva Zu Beck's Instagram public "story". |
What posted Ramla Akhtar, against Chapursan Valley people?
Akhtar does not refrain herself to publish private conversations from people she harassess and to "quote" them after a complete re-writing to preach her naive worshippers. Nevertheles, she complains that "private" information are "stolen" from her (how?) and made public. This dirty game has to come to an end. That's why we decided, here, to embed her public posts.
Since the publication of this article, Ramla Aalam posts have been removed from her personnal page or changed to "friends only".This is an evidence it is possible to contain public hate speech by debunking it.
Trying to get fanatic supporters
THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE IS FOR MY PAKISTANI COMPATRIOTS ONLY and pertains to issues in our culture. ♧♧♧♧🙏🌹
👇Original... July 17, 2019
THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE IS FOR MY PAKISTANI COMPATRIOTS ONLY and pertains to issues in our culture. ♧♧♧♧🙏🌹
Publiée par Rmala Aalam sur Mercredi 17 juillet 2019
Note that Akhtar makes frequent distinctions between Hunza people and Pakistani citizens.
Lying again when she understands blackmailing a complete community as she did (see articles below in exhibit) is backfiring
So I am receiving some angry feedback online because I mentioned that ONE FAMILY in the area is involved in attacking,...
Publiée par Rmala Aalam sur Mardi 16 juillet 2019
Ignominious lies to prevent foreign visitors visiting the local major event, Baba Ghundi Festival, and to harm Chapursan Valley people.
In a few days #BabaGhundi festival starts in #Chapursan valley. Now listen carefully to what I am saying: DO NOT GET INVOLVED WITH THE GUESTHOUSE BASED IN THE VILLAGE #ZUDKHUN. Period.
They are not a good people; forget their bloody hero/victim story. They are involved in trafficking, entrapment of tourists, and severely criminal activities such as alleging that their guests are spies.
I nearly became a target of some terrifying crimes except that thank God I am fairly well-connected... otherwise the bastards near sold me to corrupt police "for the night". The police involved in this was demoted on my complaint.
سو جناب عالی یہ گهٹیا لوگ آپ کو بیچنے کی اور لوٹنے کی کوشش کریں گے. لوٹنا ان کے لئے مشکل نہیں، بندہ انکو غریب سمجھ کر خود ہی دیتا رہتا ہے... بائے دا وے یہ غریب نہیں، کروڑ پتی ہیں. اگر انکا موڈ ہوءا اور انکو لگا آپ معصوم ہیں تو انکے اندر کا شیطان "اپ سیٹ" ہو جائے گا اور اسکی سزا انکے ہاں یہ ہے کہ آپ کو جاسوس قرار دے کر رات کے اندهیرے میں دهاوا بول دیں یا بولوادیں. جب رات کو چھ افراد دروازے پر لاتیں مار کر اندر داخل ہوں اور آپ کو انڈین جاسوس قرار دیں تو اچهے اچهے کی عقل کهو جائے.
یہی سلوک بدنام زمانہ زودخون والوں نے میرے ساتھ کروایا. وہ تو ان حرامیوں کو معلوم نہیں تھا کہ میں ٹی وی پر اعلیٰ عہدہ دار رہ چکی ہوں. پولیس میں ہمارے فیملی تعلق ہیں. گرفتار تو کیا کرتے، معلوم ہونے پر بریانی کهلانے لے گئے اور لگے تاویلیں کرنے. مگر بات یہ ہے کہ اگر میں اثرورسوخ والی نہ ہوتی تو انہوں نے مجھ سے درندگی کرنی تهی. یہ بات تو طے ہے.
عجیب بات نہیں کہ پاکستان کے ایک چهوٹے سے گاؤں میں ایک چهوٹی سی فیملی نے درندگی کا بازار گرم کیا ہوءا ہے اور انکو پکڑنے اور پوچهنے والا کوئی نہیں؟ اصل میں وہ لوگ ماہر ہیں اور میرا اندازہ ہے کہ وہ اپنے غیرملکی سرپرستوں کے ساتھ مل کر "اقلیتی سٹیٹس" کا شور مچائیں گے. اقلیت کا نام آتے ہی پاکستان کے قانون کا بینڈباجا بج جاتا ہے. کیا اقلیت کو جائز ہے کہ وہ سنگین جرم کرتی پهرے؟ پهر آگے سے ڈرامہ کہ ہم تو غریب ہیں؟ غریب ہیں تو جرم کرنے کا ٹائم اور پیسہ کدهر سے آرہا یے؟
ہمارا معاشرہ بهی الحمدللہ ایسا ہے کہ دیانتدار کاروباری پر تو 120 ادارے حاوی ہونگے مگر کهلے عام عادی مجرم کو پکڑنے کو انکو ثبوت چاہئیے جو بیچارہ شکار فراہم کرے. عقل کی بات ہے کہ کوئی شکار ہونے والا ثبوت جمع کرنے کی کٹ تو نہیں لے کر پهرتا؟ تیاری کون کرتا ہے؟ مجرم؟ یا مجرم کا شکار؟
پروپیگنڈہ اتنا طاقتور ہے کہ کسی تحریر کے نشان تک مٹادئیے جاتے ہیں اور لکهنے والے کے آگے پیچهے غنڈے پهرنے لگتے ہیں. علاقے کے نوجوان میسج کرتے ہیں "مجھ سے بات کرو میں مسئلہ سولو کروں گا". تو جاکر کرو نا! زودخون. حاضر ہے! جس مجرم کی میں بات خر رہی ہوں اس کا دنیا کو پتہ ہے. تو پهر چهپ چهپ کر مجهے کیا دهمکی دینا. چلو نہ ساتھ چل کر پاکستانی قانون کے سامنے بات کرتے ہیں. یہ پرائیویٹ بدمعاشی کیسی؟
بات یہ ہے کہ بهائی جانان! وہ دور گیا جب آپ چپکے چپکے خواتین اور مہمانان کو کوٹ کر فارغ کردیتے تهے. اب آپ نے ایک پاکستانی کو چهیڑ دیا ہے. وہ بهی اس شہر کی جہاں آپ کے ہذاروں افراد روزگار، کاروبار، تعلیم اور علاج کے لئے مقیم ہیں.
آپ ہمیں طالبان کہتے ہو. کیا ہم آپ کو دلال اور شرابخور اور سمگلر کہیں؟ آپ میں بهی تو کئی نامی گرامی خوبیاں ہیں. کسی بهی علاقے کی خاتون کے ساتھ حرامزدگی اپنی موت کو دعوت دینا ہے. اس کا مطلب ہے آپ فساد چاہتےہو.
"تو پهر کهل کر بولو نا. گهر آنے واے مہمانوں کو گهیرنا بهلا کونسی شرافت ہے؟
Google traduction of the Urdu post
So, sir, these lousy people will try to sell you and rob you. It is not difficult for them to return, the servant keeps giving them himself considering them poor ... By the way, they are not poor, they are crorepatis. If they are in the mood and they think you are innocent, the devil inside them will be "upset" and their punishment for them is to call you a spy and attack or call you in the dark of night. When six people knock on the door at night and come in and call you an Indian spy, you have to say good-bye.
This is how the infamous bloodthirsty people treated me. He didn't even know that I had been a high-ranking official on TV. Our family ties to the police. When they were arrested, they started eating biryani and started making interpretations. But the thing is, if I wasn't influential, they would have brutalized me. That's for sure.
Isn't it strange that a small family in a small village in Pakistan has heated up the market of brutality and there is no one to catch and ask them? In fact, they are experts and I guess they will make a fuss about "minority status" together with their foreign patrons. As soon as the name of minority is mentioned, the band of Pakistani law rings. Is it permissible for a minority to commit a serious crime? Then the drama that we are poor? If you are poor, where does the time and money to commit crime come from?
Praise be to God, our society is such that honest business will be dominated by 120 institutions, but in order to catch a common habitual criminal, they need evidence that will provide a poor victim. Is it a matter of common sense that a victim does not carry a kit to gather evidence? Who prepares? Guilty? Or the victim of the culprit?
Propaganda is so powerful that even the marks of a writing are erased and bullies appear behind the writer. Young people in the area message, "Talk to me, I'll solve the problem." So go and do it! زدخون. Is present! The world knows the culprit I am talking about. Then secretly threaten me. Let's not walk together and talk in front of Pakistani law. How about this private bullying?
The thing is, brother Janan! He went away when you would secretly coat the women and guests. Now you have teased a Pakistani. They are also the city where thousands of you live for employment, business, education and treatment.
You call us Taliban. Shall we call you a pimp and a drunkard and a smuggler? You too have many so-called rural virtues. Fornication with a woman of any area is to invite one's own death. That means you want mischief.
"Then speak openly. What is the honor of surrounding the guests who come to the house?"
Interestingly, on May 12th 2019, in one of her most outrageous and obscene posts, Akhtar already talked about Eva Zu Beck.
Photo gallery
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Ramla Akhtar own words: "I am not a good woman... I came for sacred destruction, holy catastrophe. I came to uproot the vile fruit" |
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Ramla Akhtar "on horse" (public picture on her FB blog page - see embed post) versus Eva Zu Beck on horse (public picture from her Instagram account). |
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Ramla Akhtar aka Rmala Aaalam living in Hunza (public pictures from her Facebook pages) |
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Ramla Akhtar at the time she lived in Karachi (public pictures on her Facebook page and her blogs) |
Where to stay in Chapursan Valley
Pamir Serai guest houses are the traditional homestay of Zoodkhun and Baba Ghundi for external visitors. They are run by the internationaly famous Alam Jan Dario’s family.
Hilltop Guest House is run by Haider Badakhshoni in Reshit.
Update, Décember 21, 2020, the show goes on
One year and a half after the festival, Ramla Akhtar is still ranting about her unsuccessful propaganda regardind Baba Ghundi and about the way her hate speech was slammed.
Ramla's Projects and Rmala's Projects in Hunza
Since 2015, Ms Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, says she proposes consulting services under a solo person unregistered entity called with two names: Ramla's Projects and Rmala's Projects.
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