1. Short background
Ramla Akhtar was born from a Muslim Urdu speaking family coming from what is today the Republic of India. She grew up in the city of Faisalabad, Punjab, in a wealthy environment and enjoyed what could be considered as a British education. She spent her first professional years in Karachi having a kind of western life. Here is the way she introduced herself in 2013:
"Ramla Akhtar is a writer and visionary based in Pakistan. Sensing that the end of economic growth was nigh, in 2007, she began exploring, writing and teaching about new ways of being. She has created awareness about social enterprise and the climate change/post-growth crisis, and started a food-growing community in Pakistan that would lead to resilient clusters around the country. She is also a poet, a patron of creative spirits, and believes that 'A woman is a tribe (2009)'."
This person from warm lowlands moved to Gojal, the Upper Valley of Hunza, in 2013. Since, she uses the name of Rmala Aalam. She got a daughter from a local Hunza mountaineer and married him. She was soon in conflict with him and could never adapt to the mountain way of life. Meanwhile, she got affected by some physical and mental disorders. Since, she radicalised. She became haunted by a revenge desire against Hunza people and especially, the Ismaili Wakhi communities of the high Chapursan Valley bordering China and Afghanistan. She recently decided to fight against western foreigners, considered as accomplices of her victims. Dealing against Caucassian travellers and local white populations from Persian origins, she is obsessed by her brown skin. Added to "environmental" armageddon preaching, her main focuses are sex, paedophilia, incest, rape, alcohol, racism, drugs (including altitude effects), patriarchism and dance. These are the sins she decided to find (or stage) and to retribute. These growing fanatism and xenophobia are mixed with a faith aggregating different influences such as Sunnism, Sufism, esoterism, black magic and self-celebration to result into a confuse self made religion.
The Akhtar/Aalam case has been analysed in details and communicated to Pakistani and French authorities in June 2019: "Report of a French traveler about a domestic hate speech against the Wakhi minority of Chapursan Valley and its male international guests - credibility assessment of an alleged sexual conspiracy against local women and foreign female visitors – concerns about an emerging external extremism." This document in the following article will be called "the report".
Akhtar adapted recently her strategy. She shifted from challengeable facts to rumors that, according to her, would be peddled against her. These rumors offer more rhetoric and creation opportunities while they do not need to be supported by tangible and verifiable events.
2. Method of review
Staging higher in the manipulation process Ramala Akhtar speaks now of rumors without a single piece of evidence. We will analyse how she uses religion to make her worshippers believe upfront in her unsupported allegations. Previously she made a speciality of private and public harassment in order to get exasperated answers she could cook to produce fake quotes fitting with her narrative. See: Open letter N°3 to a troll from a, so-called, “rapist and pedophile buddy.” In the troll kitchen, practical case of cooking “real-fake” evidences". Fake quotes are here considered as sentences or part of sentences, posted into quotation marks, that she formulates with her words and her own vision before pretending those were written by the person or the people being under her fire. The purpose of these manipulations is to lure a naive audience, to tease fanatism, to boost interethnic and inter-religion distrusts.
We will not use RA cooking method. We will take her recent posts. We will show screen captures of her posts and we will provide the links to RA very publications. We will reconcile her today allegations with her older posts revealing how this person debunks by herself most of her lies. We will, when possible, cross with public written testimonies, providing, here also, the link to original texts.
While, this time, the "reputation washing" is intended to a clueless audience of urban people, mostly from Karachi, we will review statements written in Urdu language. To get a basic understanding, these publications will be converted into English thanks to Google Translate. Readers can propose better translations in the comment boxes below. The article will be amended according to the feed-back received.
3. Rumor is strong in Gojal that I am a terrorist.
Link to the post
RA: "There are rumors in Gojal that I (Akhtar) am a terrorist"
It is a false news. There is no proof supporting this statement. I never heard and I never read this information either in comments on RA's Facebok blog or personnal page. It is also never mentioned under the numerous and, however very negative comments, about her, posted under the articles related to her case. See, for example, under the report .RA: "Busy at my terrorist center"
More details about the pictures are provided in § 9. However, it can already be noted that if Akhtar wanted to produce any evidences against a terrorist rumour, she would have chosen other pictures than the one she shows. They all date numerous years prior to her radicalisation (2013). Moreover, there are no pictures taken inside her current house.The most recent image exception is the one with her daughter when she was less than one year old. The purpose is probably to show that Akhtar can't be a bad woman being a single mother. It also refers to the fact that she, and her worshippers, pretend challenging her public statements or even reporting them would endanger her child. However, this child concern should be taken conservatively. There are written testimonies about maltreatments of the child by her mother.
June 24,2019: "What I am concerned about is her child. Ramla is a lost cause but her child is now forced to suffer and endure her madness. In around 2015, she made a post on her Facebook account showing her child gagged and bound up tightly and she indicated that she had been beating her child. This led to some Pakistani agencies getting involved, and they warned her that the child may be taken away if that happens again. However, the psycho lady that is Ramla, responded to this by doubling down and going totally batshit crazy. She then proceeded to take her child with her to the northern parts of Pakistan and rants almost daily about some awful thing that happened to her."
June 24,2019 bis: "If you want proof, you should contact Mahrukh Beyg. This lady is the owner of the Haryali Entrepreneurship Market and Haryali Store. Back in 2016, she was friends with Ramla Akhtar but was compelled to call the authorities when she saw Ramla's post in which she threatened to break her daughter's ribs alongside photos of her daughter all tied up in her cot. Ms Mahrukh even took photos of the post."
June 24,2019 ter: "Oh, and by the way, she didn't just gag and tie up her kid - she implied she was beating the kid as well. That is the sort of thing that can actually lead to imprisonment and the child be taken away from the parent in many countries!"
4. Rumor is rife in Gojal that I am an anti-indigenous people terrorist.
RA: "Rumor in Gojal that I am anti-indigenous people terrorist"
We saw above what to think about her false rumor regarding terrorism. Nevertheless, her hate speech against indigenous people from Hunza and more precisely against the Wakhi ethnicity is not only a rumor as she showed by herself.May 12, 2019: "If you come to these regions and say WOW WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON they respond HOW DARE YOU COME TO OUR REGION AND CHALLENGE OUR **TRADITIONS**. Open sex hunts are ACCEPTABLE here and you will not believe it until you see it... the indescribably CRAZY realities of the world!!
The men have a peculiar dance and if you look closely... well it's what I call a peacock dance.... the "come to me woman" mating ritual dance.
It's like walking into the materialization of some truly odd episode of National Geographic.
All fun and games when you watch it on TV but not so much fun anymore when you are the equivalent of Johnny Depp as a pirate, being hauled off by cannibals.
Shit. Just. Gaat. Reeaaaalllll!!!!"
May 28, 2019: "You see, these people who lie and pretend that people of my sect are abusing them or whatever... they are fucking toxic racists (when the case is that we haven't done what we are accused of; obviously wjenever whoever dies an ill deed it is an ill deed.. PERIOD). They have an unspoken pact TO NEVER HELP A MUSLIM PAKISTANI NOT OF THEIR OWN KIND... period..."
June 09, 2019: "There is a valley in **our world** known since decades for its lawlessness, binge alcoholism (home-brewed "water" ie alcohol is available for as low as rs 1200/liter), wayward sexuality (sleeping with sisters-in-law and friends' wives and basically any moving female/male thing is completely acceptable here. As a matter of fact you will be ridiculed and suspected for NOT being part of the sexual geometry -- and algebra, bc who's fucking whom and why gets very complicated at a point and "reset the whole thing!" is a seasonal decluttering thing here LOL -- of the culture."
RA: A French man who has chosen to represent "poor mountain people."
The "French man" mentioned here is me, Bernard Grua. The quote "poor mountain people" is a forgery about my words and an insult for the mountain population. I never used this expression. On the opposite, I consider Hunza people rich of culture, tradition, mountain knowledge, spirituality, hospitality, material and immaterial heritage. I wrote not less than 10 articles in French or English, about them. One was published in local Passu Times, another one in Pamir Times. Here is an example with links to other articles: At the knot of past empires: Zood Khun, a Wakhi village in the high northern mountains of Pakistan.I did not choose to represent the local people. I was informed about Rmala Aalam's hate speech involving foreigners. I decided to bring my ground experience about the region. While my debunking was troublesome for her, Akhtar turned me into an icon of racism, white-suprematism and colonialism. It is going on, like that, for three months. These permanent slanders can be confirmed by any reader reviewing her personal page https://www.facebook.com/BarefootRaRa and her blog page https://www.facebook.com/KarakoramMommy/
RA: "take the oath that some of these foreigners are sold to alcohol and body."
No sane person would be part of spreading the ridiculous terrorist rumors invented by Akhtar. Then, the best is to pretend these rumors come from drunk people. As far as I am concerned, I should mention I never met with Akhtar. She is unable to produce any evidence of her allegations saying I am an alcoholic or I even drink some alcohol. This is not only slandering. It is teasing the frustrations, the xenophobia and the religious fanatism of her worshippers.RA: "the poor were spying on my back...men and women and children who can't cook at home are busy researching...the terrorist"
Here is a new example of Akhtar's deep contempt against Hunza people. It is almost like pretending they are unfed primitive people ("cannibals" as she said above). Akhtar used to Punjabi kitchen never got familiar with the food of the mountainers. That's her problem. Additionnaly, there is no need to spy on her back. Akhtar is a compulsive exhibitionist writer about herself. The problem with this person is not to find the information. It is to find the resources in order to be able to read it and to process it. Being spied is just a paranoiac and conspiracy unsupported statement.RA: ".. center of terror ... madrassa ...dynamite in my arms ...green turban ...bomb".
The photos produced by Akhtar, at a time she looked "presentable", are much older, as mentioned above, than the beginning of her radicalisation (2013). They are of no help in debunking RA's self propagated rumor. It is a non sense. This is intended to make jokes of her contradictors in front of her naive urban worshippers.RA: "unemployed drunk"
Alcohol, again, in the same post. A confuse and round circling mind.RA: "... hate and anger in my eyes"
Once again these old pictures, dating from the time Akhtar was presentable, do not debunk anything. "Hate and anger" are obvious in her recent writings.RA: "...I have a bad ass".
Lack of emotion control.R A:"...it's my turn to respond..."
RA writing flood is not new. However, she never responds to anybody. Except fake quote there are no texts she contradicts. She just post addtionnal elucubrations. Her innovation is, now, to shift from the fake event reporting to false rumor spreading, false rumor against herself. In that sense its is a new step in her victimisation and conspiracy deepening.6. It is impossible for me to travel alone in Pakistan.
RA: "impossible to travel alone in Pakistan"
This is simply a lie for clueless urban worshippers. See the article by Alex Reynolds: Is it safe for women to travel in Pakistan?
RA: "the guide I got... is a criminal."
Akhtar had no guide. She did not trek in Hunza. She just went to Baba Ghundi and attented a wedding in a Chapursan Valley village. Here she talks about a guesthouse owner she got her baby with and then married in 2013. Being in a divorce procedure she decided, in her porn revenge, to present him as a criminal. This is fully detailed in the report.
RA: "how poor they are they if they are involved in terrorism."
This makes no sense.
RA: "himself becomes a Christian"
This is one of the major public acknowledgement of Akhtar using the most hideous fanatic propaganda. People must know that according to Sharia law, a Muslism converting to Christianism is subject to a death sentence. Added to false accusations of paedophilia and rape, this is the best way to have a man killed by extremists. That's how a respectable "single mother" uses a Taliban's like discourse while trying to send reverse signals to her naive manipulated worshippers. I know the man. I stayed in his house like numerous other visitors. I spent days in his family room, having meals, talking with him and his relatives. I am, myself a Christian. I know what is Christianism. I strongly oppose to this disgusting malicious statement. Pretending a forged Christianism conversion is a conscious incitement to a murder by Rmala Aaalam. Though nobody pretends she is mentally and physically strong enough for being a terrorist, she obviously applies terrorist propaganda methods.
7. I am representative of Pakistani agencies.
RA: "It has been made known to me that I am a terrorist"
If it is more than a rumor, how was it made known to her? As usual, with Akhtar, no evidences.
RA: "Hindu and Indian spy"
Akhtar family comes from what is now the Republic of India. But she is not a Hindu believer. She incompatibly turns to be an Islamist fanatic. This non-existent rumour is even less credible that the one being a real terrorist.
RA: "representative of Pakistani agencies"
It absolutely does not fit with what is alleged above. Only very stupid people could spread such rumors. That's why it is important to present Wakhi people as primitive and starving as done above. That's why it is important to present the foreigners who contradict her as drunkards. Only her naive and manipulated urban worshippers can believe in the existence of such a rumor.
RA: "I have learned to treat people" with herbs".
Almost ten years ago, Ramla Akhtar aggregated some trendy theories, pretended to be a "philosopher", a "teacher", an "entrepreneur", the foundeur of "Pakistan Changemakers". You can see and comment her May 2010 video Pakistan Changemakers Hub: Introduction You can have a look on 2008 slide-presentations of The People-Centered Model of Business (tm) & Social Enterprise & How Business Can Change Communities. In 2013, she decided to implement her recommendations herself. The only change she conducted was the one of her own life. It leads to a personal dereliction, a revenge desire and a radicalisation. She, now, sells and ship herbs from her shop of Hussaini, Gojal. She has a Facebook "business" page: "BetterBonds by Rmala - Integrated Folk Remedies For Your Joy & Wellness" and an Instagram account. Without any medicine education, she pretends to perform medical researches, to sell medicine treatments (see her "cancer package") and to sell medicine consultations. It should be taken seriously by sanitary authorities.
Here below are comments received under the report:
July 3, 2019: "On Facebook, you should report her posts as an 'unauthorized sale' (also report them as 'fake news' for Facebook Community Standards). In Instagram, there is no option to flag false medicinal claims so, for now, you should report her posts as 'Spam' - hopefully, they will soon add other reporting options in the future!
What I find ironic is her naming her business as "BetterBonds". LOL, the woman who has broken all blood bonds wants to make better bonds!
But, yes, her misrepresenting the benefits of herbs and jewelry is dangerous. People can lose their lives if they rely on her products to cure themselves!"
Once these legitimate concerns were raised, Ramla Akhtar presented them as a troll attack to her clients using the same sexual and religious slanders in her victimisation scheme. She asked her worshipers/clients to post favorable reviews:
Our page's Reviews are under a troll attack at the moment. Don't wanna bother you with too many details but for over a month we are under attack by friends of a criminal male who has been assaulting young girls in his region for over two decades at his guesthouse that is based in the remote region where I live.
I have become depleted in the battle. As many of you know I have previously shared that we often face misogynistic attacks but Alhamdolillah WE SENT THEM BACK IN RETREAT EVERY/ SINGLE/ TIME.
I need every bit of your support and love.
Please head over to reviews and write a true review. You send us love in inbox, now do let others know. You may also report fake reviews. Regards.
RA: "Punjabis are dirty! Look at us. We are the highest nation in Pakistan"
I never heard and never read anything like that, with Hunza people blaming directly dirty Punjabis. This is a fake quote and a particularly malicious one. It can be interpreted in two ways. It is to support the fact that Akhtar, a Punjabi, is ostracized. It is to provoke interethinicty distrust and, for Akhtar, getting a Pavlov's reflex against Hunza people from her outraged worshippers, who are, for a large part, Punjabis. It is the perfect fake news because it is the result of a distorted reality. Garbage issue is a concern everywhere in Pakistan. It is a very fastgrowing issue. Some touristic areas like Babusar Top, Naran, Lake Saifu Muluk, Nathiagali, though they are not in Hunza, are devastated, as I could observe.How long before our beautiful areas lose their essence? So much for these eco friendly tour companies.— Discover Pakistan 🇵🇰 | پاکستان (@PakistanNature) August 26, 2019
Babusar Top, Pakistan
Credits: Muhammad Ibne Amin#Pakistan #Travel pic.twitter.com/rJAAgLIl0N
Tourism is highly responsible for this situation. Foreign tourism is low. The problem is mostly a domestic tourism. The most populated and closest areas from these sites are Punjabi ones. Then, most of the polluting tourists are Punjabi. This is a fact. Akhtar cannot argue with that. She knows it. However, none of her clueless urban worshippers have any idea about it. Though the quote is a fully invented rumour, they will consider it as a highly unfair statement. The Machiavelian side and the inspiration of Akhtar is revealed by a post she shared less 24 hours before this insulting fake quote, regarding the garbage issue. It was published by Anita Rudej, New Zelander, in the "Karakoram Club".It is about trash at the bottom of Nanga Parbat. That's probably where she got the ideas to build this forgery.
Cleaning of the trash is done is Hunza, by kids, by students, by scouts, by ladies, by responsible people. You can have a look in this Facebook group Keep Hunza Clean & Green You can also watch this video.
Then, have a look on these recent tweets:
An appeal from the locals. Keep #Hunza Clean please. Keep #Gilgitbaltistan Clean. #pakistan #environment— PAMIR TIMES ™ (@pamirtimes) July 2, 2019
Photo: Ali Ahmad pic.twitter.com/IMS8YmJPwm
This is how Hunza valley is maintained clean by none other than children of area who keep cleaning roads and markets—so tourists find Hunza more attractive & beautiful. Will tourists also show some element of responsibility to keep these areas clean during their vacation trips..? pic.twitter.com/k8RX1hykNQ— Rauf Klasra (@KlasraRauf) March 20, 2019
Girl Guides collect garbage during cleanliness campaign in hunza https://t.co/aJuhljAGF9 pic.twitter.com/3OC1fp3z6e— Tanha Karim (@Tanhak) May 17, 2019
Ramla Akhtar who actually over-stuffs her Facebook page with environmental articles and video, who sells her products in plastic bags, in plastic bottles and in plastic jars, should be at the front of the fight against garbage in Hunza. Instead of that, she is making joke about it and use it for her hatred game. This is outrageous. How can her even dare to expect any local consideration?
This is Hussaini, the place where lives Ramla Akhtar. Those are the people she should join if she really wants to live in acordance with her claims.
Volunteers in the Hussaini village of #Gojal Valley, #Hunza, picking garbage from the roadside.#GilgitBaltistan #Tourism #Pakistan pic.twitter.com/CQJoYR6zkz— PAMIR TIMES ™ (@pamirtimes) October 10, 2017
RA: "So I started shouting on the internet not to panic because the village of Choperson, in the Valley of Chaperon, smuggled and raped. The stronghold is that I was declared a spy and arrested until I was released."
First of all, there is no "Choperson Village" in the Chapursan (also spelled Chipurson) Valley. However, the Akhtar's slandering campaign against this valley is real. It has been documented in the report.
There might, however, be a dark side of her relations with the police. This is the maltreatemant of her child reported by the above testimonies (see § 3). The permanent invocation of the spy rumor could be intended to hide the actual reasons of her troubles with the police.
8. Hindu-Sunni-Taliban
This post is probably the most interesting publication. It shows how a western oriented and educated women radically changed her speech as a consequence of her dereliction. It evidences how she relies on faith and not on reality to make her allegation believed by her urban worshippers. It has been observed in her production that the more she lies, the more she invokes the name of the Almighty or the one of his prophet. This is a method of Taliban preachers. It works very well. We have proves of Akhtar removing contradictions. But even her subjugated audience does not ask non-contradictory questions. These urban worshippers do not demand extra information. They just express compassion, celebration of their hero, prayers, blessing, "Amen" and "MashAllah".
RA: "Gojal is famous that a Sunni terrorist spying Hindu woman has arrived from Karachi"
Not at all. This is information is available nowhere. Gojal is famous for its pristine beauty and for its hospitable population. Aggregating Hindu and Sunni is also very stupid. Even the most simple people (as Akhtar consider Hunza population) will never make this mistake. Only clueless urban people will believe in the existence of such an inept rumor.RA: "Seize the plans of sea buckthorn"
It is true that Akhtar tries to make a business with these berries having numerous virtues. However, nobody waited for her to discover these qualities. Sea buckthorn is a wild very thorny shrub widespread from Atlantic to Siberia via northwest China and Mongolia. It is abundant in Northern Pakistan. Not even the simplest people could think Akhtar would have interest in seizing these plants, subject to the fact she could be physically able to pull them off the ground. This is an utterly non-sense that only her clueless worshippers/clients could buy.RA: "Also innocent men and women want to rap".
Not even a possible rumour, just the permanent sexual obsessions of Rmala Aalam.RA: "Hindu-Sunni-Taliban"
Not even a possible rumor, again.RA: "I am a BEYOND sectarian divide."
This is not true.May 07, 2019, "My esoteric missions are completely unknown to people around me"
May 28, 2019, "You see, these people who lie and pretend that people of my sect are abusing them or whatever... they are fucking toxic racists (when the case is that we haven't done what we are accused of; obviously wjenever whoever dies an ill deed it is an ill deed.. PERIOD). They have an unspoken pact TO NEVER HELP A MUSLIM PAKISTANI NOT OF THEIR OWN KIND... period."
RA: "As long as a person has a good hear I SEE them and I embrace them. This my task as a woman of God as a Muslim and as a human."
This is not true. Akhtar is trying to shame the complete valley of Chapursan without distinguishing any single good person. See the report.May 09, 2019, "I tell you why I am not a "good woman"who "makes peace." I did not come to this world for passing my time and to make peace."
After such a flood of untrue statements, Akhtar takes the disguiss of a preacher, a missonary, to use the cover of religion so that she can't be challenged. She wants to be believed in as a matter of faith. We will see below that pretending being a "woman of God" is a blattant forgery.
RA: "I am a Sufi."
It is not true.May 09, 2019: "I came for SACRED DESTRUCTION, HOLY CATASTROPHE. I came to uproot the vile fruit. I came to turn the soil."
May 28, 2019: "...just a year before arriving here I had been at the tomb of Mevlana Rumi and been overwhelmed with Love, for a loooong time I thought I fucked some prayer/chant up, and now I am seeing demons everywhere...
Now tell you what I have been online since 1998. And God be my witness... (!) I have done plenty of shitty and creepy things. And for some crazy reason (people say it is Sufi thing overload). I have been particularly shitty since about 7 years."
RA: "It has been six years of torture today"
There is absolutely no evidence of any torture against Ramla Akhtar in her plethoric production, not even a single picture. It would be interesting to know what definition of torture she has. Whatever, this hoax is part of her victimisation process and her wish to be considered as a kind of religious martyr. If in her life, there is something close to torture, it is the maltreatemant she exerced (exerces?) against her child, see above. It could be added that Rmala Alaam is spending unlimited hours in posting on Facebook and publishing a exhibitionnist tale, see https://www.facebook.com/KarakoramMommy/ and https://www.facebook.com/BarefootRaRa without mentioning all her accounts and pages. So busy on social networks it is difficult to imagine she can work, take care of her daughter and take care of her home. It is not possible to believe she had time for "six years of torture" (And, why not, Jail?). This is farcical.RA: "asks the experts on alcohol and sex and trafficking"
Teasing fanatism without the beginning of any evidence.RA: "I was declared a terrorist."
It is not a simple rumor. Now, it is a declaration. Where is the evidence of such a declaration? How is it possible that a declared terrorist is not in a jail? Hunza is not former Zwatt Valley, current Balochistan nor a Tribal area. Moreover, with her compulsive show-off on social media, the declared terrorist could be caught in less than one hour. And there are people to believe this crap. On September 15, the post reached 15 reactions, mostly "likes" and even "loves." No questions. Just one comment: MashaAllah 👌 Madam Rmala Aalam Nice Looking 😁😂😂😁. NoRA: "Praise be Allah"
Fanatic preacher rhetoric to make her lies going thru.RA: "My Mom and the employees of my house"
Yes, everybody understood that RA is not part of Hunza Valley people, "the poor", as she shamely call them.RA: "I am in the throes of the dirties criminals today"
Another "compliment" for the Hunza people she hates. Remember what she falsely wrote above: "As long as a person has a good hear I SEE them and I embrace them. This my task as a woman of God as a Muslim and as a human." She even has a full Facebook page to pretend to be what she is not. See "A Woman of God Speaks to Your Heart, Your Soul"RA: "I am in the valley and the swamp of sin."
Again and again slandering people of Hunza Valley. It should be connected with her destructor "religious" fantasm.May 09, 2019: "I came for SACRED DESTRUCTION, HOLY CATASTROPHE. I came to uproot the vile fruit, I came to turn the soil."
RA: "the name of Allah is..."
God used, again, to force her lies going thru.After such an insane post, it is worth to underline the relevance of a June 28th article: Open letter N°1 to a troll from a so called “rapist and pedophile buddy.” Why no normal person can believe you?
9. Highlights provided by Ramla Akhtar's photo gallery
As indicated, picture taken in 2011, likely in Karachi before Rmala Aalam's radicalisation (2013). Not relevant with the 2019 "Center of Terror" fake rumor.
This picture was taken by a photographer-blogger in 2008 in Karachi. It was before Rmala Aalam's radicalisation (2013). Then it is not relevant with the 2019 "Center of Terror" fake rumor.
Ironically, RA writes here: "I normally don't share private photos but I have been called a terrorist and so gotta clean my rep up!". This picture has been used in numerous publications, not only Facebook. Moreover RA shares a large bunch of "private" pictures and videos, including her daughter, even on her professional pages.
We will not again detail the written testimonies (i.e. not only rumours), see § 3., talking about Rmala Aalam's maltreatment against her child. This picture was taken in 2013 or early 2014 at the beginning of RA's radicalisation. Then it is not relevant with the 2019 "Center of Terror" fake rumor. Here, the purpose of the image is to ascertain a single mother must be a good woman. Although she doesn't probably remember she wrote the contrary on May 09, 2019. See "I am not a "good woman" who "makes peace", above.
Here is how Ramla Akhtar describe these photos:
"Left photo is recent and shows the impact of me struggling with debilitating disease (Note: while she pretends to cure people, selling medicines and consultations)
Right two photos are from 2010-2011. The upper right photo shows me with a bandage around my neck and shoulders because I suffered from stabbing pains in the cervical region... pains that often knocked me out and made rational-emotional (but not intellectual) thinking nearly impossible. I used to cry with pain. In the lower photo I am... smiling. I suppose that's a crime... (Note: Wrong supposition). I have no idea why even back then people hated me (Note: Just read the flood of hate you dump on people and communities.) and I received free-for-all bullshit from literally all parts of the world. (Note: False statement, RA provokes and insults during days, into private mailboxes and on her pages before any answers. Then she get the material to produce fake quotes, staging her as a victim. See: Open letter N°3 to a troll from a, so-called, “rapist and pedophile buddy.” In the troll kitchen, practical case of cooking “real-fake” evidences.)
Here are writen testimonies explaning why people can't stand Ramla Akhtar.
June 24, 2019: "Ramla is not a mere troll - she is completely psychotic! For her, the whole world is against her and her child, and she is a model of innocence and saintliness. She is continuously on the move because she cannot tolerate anybody. Her presence is toxic - those who once loved her, have given up. Those who are still helping her, are getting weary. She is also not gracious when she receives help and there is a chance you may get burned by even trying to reach out."
June 26, 2019: "Ramla lives for confrontation and for acceptance. She always contradicts herself too, like when she says she does not care about those who talk about her and then proceeds to write long ranting, abusive posts daily, lashing out against 'voracious men' who have supposedly destroyed her life and hound her everywhere she goes!"
Ramla's Projects and Rmala's Projects in Hunza
Since 2015, Ms Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, says she proposes consulting services under a solo person unregistered entity called with two names: Ramla's Projects and Rmala's Projects.
Contrary to Ramla Akhtar disinformation campaign, there are no rumors nor conspiracies pretending she would be a terrorist. However, reviewing her recent posts, we should acknowledge she uses more and more a Taliban preacher's like discours. In that sense she is harming a peaceful ethnic and religious minority. She also promotes a xenophobia detrimental to local and central efforts done for promoting a responsible tourism. She is paving, consciensously or not, the way for imported fundamentalists and to potential violences. It is of importance Gilgit-Baltistan, and Islamabad authorities enforce the application of (PECA) 2016, the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act.Exhibit: Tweets sent to Pakistan and French authorities
Retweet to reach more authorities
Initial tweet
Where to stay in Chapursan Valley
Pamir Serai guest houses are the traditional homestay of Zoodkhun and Baba Ghundi for external visitors. They are run by the internationaly famous Alam Jan Dario’s family.
Hilltop Guest House is run by Haider Badakhshoni in Reshit.
Rmala Aalam, aka Ramla Akhtar, you are such a desperate troll that you copied this same comment under another article.
ReplyDeleteHere: Anonyme28 septembre 2019 à 11:13
Then I will copy you the answer I did there:
"Rmala Aalam, aka Ramla Akhtar, your specialty is to use phrases out of context. You also write anonymously. I could remove this stupid comment but decide to leave it and to underline, then, your miserable prostitute behavior. Meanwhile, I suggest you to post the entire quote. Though, it will probably have the opposite result than the one of your wishes."