Between September 18, 2019, and September 24, 2019, Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam (RA), spent six whole days to frenetically post, under BarefootRamster, her Twitter account, harassment and calumnious delation tweets against myself. Meanwhile, she spammed my city (Nantes) representatives, NGO's and French Police. She also spammed the highest authorities from Pakistan and France (including President Macron). In total, it was 89 tweets (i.e. Almost 15 tweets per day against the same person). From September 26, 2019, to October 30, 2019, the trolling activity was maintained with 31 extra tweets. In total it comes to 120 tweets.
During previous years I learned on the hard way how to face trolls. I had far-right rabid trolls after myself because of my civil-society involvement against aggression wars. However, I have never seen such a number of authorities spammed and such an intensity of public harassment, on such a period of time. It is probably one of a Twitter highest score for a troll against a single target. I also never faced a troll trying to manipulate an audience with a single mother status and a brown skin in such caricatural proportions.
The tweets between September 18 and September 24 are presented in the article : "Twitter harassment storm by Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam."
The tweets from 26 to October 30 are all shown below with screen captures as records of harassment and calumnious delation.
The articles mentioned on the tweet captures are posted in clear with clickable links under them.
32 - October 30, 2019
31 - October 30, 2019
People terrorized into silence terrorized into silence
30 - October 30, 2019
Promise to obliterate (sic) Ramla Akhtar & authority over Pakistani Police
Promise to obliterate (sic) Ramla Akhtar & authority over Pakistani Police
29 - October 30, 2019
Pakistan tourism industry established upon sexual and financial exploitation
Pakistan tourism industry established upon sexual and financial exploitation
28 - October 30, 2019
R.A. hate speech against former husband & slandering delation hate speech against former husband & slandering delation
27 - October 27, 2019
Famous female travel blogger supports a notorious rapist + pedophile + conman
Famous female travel blogger supports a notorious rapist + pedophile + conman
26 - October 11, 2019
Bernard Grua forbidden picture of unveiled Wakhi lady according to RA
25 - October 11, 2019
Pro-pedophile Bernard Grua doxxing, threatening & abusing RA Grua forbidden picture of unveiled Wakhi lady according to RA
25 - October 11, 2019
Pro-pedophile Bernard Grua doxxing, threatening & abusing RA
24 - October 10, 2019
A Momma crushing illness, meeting violence and cruelty in the mountains Momma crushing illness, meeting violence and cruelty in the mountains
23 - October 10, 2019
Bernard Grua made RA life a living hell Grua made RA life a living hell
22 - October 9, 2019
Bernard Grua = demonic troll
21 - October 9, 2019
RA received terrifying threats & abused from Bernard Grua Grua = demonic troll
21 - October 9, 2019
RA received terrifying threats & abused from Bernard Grua
20 - October 9, 2019
In a wild (sic) valley a man having raped & assaulted countless women & girls is protected by Bernard Grua a wild (sic) valley a man having raped & assaulted countless women & girls is protected by Bernard Grua
19 - October 8, 2019
Obsessive-compulsive assault by French troll Bernard Grua assault by French troll Bernard Grua
18 - October 8, 2019
Dark repertoire of sexaul assault & related crimes repertoire of sexaul assault & related crimes
17 - October 7, 2019
Chapursan, a man has raped countless local women & girls, a man has raped countless local women & girls
16 - October 6, 2019
Highly dangerous man Bernard Grua collaborating with a pedophile & rapist dangerous man Bernard Grua collaborating with a pedophile & rapist
14 - October 3, 2019
Dangerous, toxic madman, troll, Bernard Grua backing pedophiles & igniting political rifts
Dangerous, toxic madman, troll, Bernard Grua backing pedophiles & igniting political rifts
13 - October 3, 2019
Bernard Grua, French troll, backing up a wild pedophile/predator Grua, French troll, backing up a wild pedophile/predator
11 - October 2, 2019
Bernard Grua hidded and rename his trolling page Grua hidded and rename his trolling page
10 - October 2, 2019
Bernard Grua, harassment & abuse against a Pakistani female Grua, harassment & abuse against a Pakistani female
9 - October 1, 2019
Bernard Grua asked RA to lie to France embassy & said "I will break you little prostitute" Grua asked RA to lie to France embassy & said "I will break you little prostitute"
6 - September 29, 2019
Potentially explosive situation in North Pakistan due to a French madman Bernard Grua
Potentially explosive situation in North Pakistan due to a French madman Bernard Grua
5 - September 28, 2019
Bernard Grua opportunist agent
Bernard Grua opportunist agent
3: September 27, 2019
Bernard Grua, a French male, orders a Pakistani mother to exit part of Pakistan
Bernard Grua, a French male, orders a Pakistani mother to exit part of Pakistan
2 - September 26, 2019
Bernard Grua's prolonged harassment and threats campaign against a Pakistani mother
Bernard Grua's prolonged harassment and threats campaign against a Pakistani mother
1 - September 26, 2019
For French troll Bernard Grua, Sunni = Taliban
For French troll Bernard Grua, Sunni = Taliban
Summary: harassment and spamming using the complete trolling list
Readers have noticed above all kinds of accusations, especially the most scandalous and most hideous ones are used: sexual fantasms and exploitation, rape, pedophilia, sexism, ethnicism, nationalism, colonialism, xenophobia, religious extremism, madness, terror, dramatisation, fraud, criminality etc... Meanwhile, Rmala Aalam, the tormentor, pretends to be a victim and post additional ranting or insane accusations against all her contradictors, or simply people asking questions, on her different blog, group, public, private Facebook pages.
Here are the ones which have been identified:
- Black Mountain, Dragon Soul - Warrior Journey Chronicles of a Mom & Child - - Blog page - Created in December 2017 as "Black Mountain, Dragon Mom", changed three times its name to "Black Mountain, Dragon Mom - a Queen, in Exile", "Black Mountain, Dragon Soul - a Wounded Mystic Spins Her Yarn" before current anme,
- Rmala Aalam - - Private page
- BetterBonds by Rmala - Integrated Folk Remedies For Your Joy & Wellness - - Shop Page - Created in 2017 under "BetterBonds • The Shop", changed four times its name to "BetterBonds • The Shop - a home based, slow business", "BetterBonds Shop • Hunza - Herbal, Handmade Products Your Joy and Wellness", "BetterBonds • Hunza - Herbal, Artisanal Lovables For Your Joy & Wellness" before current name.
- BetterBonds: Natural Products for Joy & Wellbeing - - Shop page - Created in 2016 as "Better Bonds", changed 5 times its name to "Better Bonds for Hearts & Healing", "Better Bonds for Hearts & Healing - Blog", "Better Bonds for Hearts & Healing", "BetterBonds for Hearts & Healing, Natural Products for Earth-Loving Families" before current name.
- Better Together (a community for @BetterBonds clients) - - Private group - Created in 2017 as "Better Together (a @BetterBonds community for Earth-conscious sovereigns)" before changing to current name.
- Rmala's Projects - Speed Development in These Times of Collapse & Emergence - - Public page - Created in 2015 under "Ramla's Projects", changed three its name to "Rmala's Projects for a Good Earthly Life and Afterlife", "Rmala's Projects for a Good Life on Earth" before current name.
- Climate Sisters (&Allies) of Pakistan - Private group - Created in 2018 under "Sustainability Sisters (&Allies) of Pakistan" name before current name.
- A Woman of God Speaks to Your Heart, Your Soul - - Public Page - Created in 2012 as Hidden Teachings, changed four times its name: "The Practial Spiritual Being - previously Hidden Teachings", "A Woman of God Speaks - previously Hidden Teachings", "A Woman of God Speaks to Contemporary Humanity", before its current name.
- Ramala Olam - - Personal page - Pretends, there, to be "shaman" at BetterBonds.
- Ana Sofia Maria - - Personnal page - created in 2017
- The Unfinished Works of Rmala al'Aalam - - Public group - Created in 2013 under "Ramla Akhtar", became "Ramla al'Aalam née Akhtar" before its current name.
- #DragonMomsWritingChallenge - - Private group - Created January 2019
Such an incredible production of calumnies cannot be found with a normal person in a normal place at least without some people strongly questioning its author and asking for evidences. How could Rmala Aalam dare writing so insane repeated lies? Taking apart any self-destruction syndrome, how could she consider acting with impunity? It is actually quite simple. It works with the few words of Akhtar's rhetoric: a male versus a female, a white skin versus a brown skin, Europe versus Third world , a foreigner versus a national, a colonialist versus a colonised, a Christian versus a Muslim.
This is enough to inflame hatred and to disconnect any rational mental process. Last but least is the golden shield, the cherry on the cake. Contradicting or even revealing Akhtar's writings could, according to this single mother, endanger her child. By an amazing pervert inversion, countering Akhtar's lies and delations can, then, be promoted as a threat against her life and against a little daughter's life.
Nevertheless, the dirty game of spoiling a reputation must come to an end. This hideous twitter campaign will find an appropriate and devastating response if it continues. See the article: «Creation of Stop-Trolls twitter account».
The final sentence belongs to Abhijit Naskar, a scientist with a brown skin, from Ramla Akhtar's sub-continent:
“A sex worker deserves a billion times more respect, than the mystical fraudsters of the society, such as astrologers, psychics and tarot card readers.”
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