Rmala Aalam, aka Ramla Akhtar (RA), is the manager and the owner of «BetterBonds», an herbal shop located near Hussaini Bridge, Gulmit, Gojal, Hunza. She sells medicines and treatment packs against cancer, diabetes, mental disorders, obesity, bone weakness, etc. She also provides medical consultations. I published a review of her shop on her page. The review and the following comments from both sides have already been detailed in an article: BetterBonds, herbal shop of Gojal - Review of products and services.As she was not able to obtain the balanced review removed by Facebook she massively uses the audience of her Facebook shop page and her Facebook blog page to gain reporting in pack to the moderator, in order get the review removed. Meanwhile, she publishes numerous posts with "ad personam" attacks and unsupported allegations. Here, we will focus just on her posts where she demands help for getting support in obtaining the review to be removed by Facebook moderation.
Her posts were copied as they are, except for key elements made bold and for false quotes turned into red.
It is important to notice that only one single review is, according to RA, a «campaign of terror», a «massive troll attack», an expression of "colonialism" and "white suprematism". She also stages fantasmagorical violences and dangers for her daughter. These are the main keys requiring immediate help from her clients/followers.
Review initially posted on BetterBonds Facebook page
Because part of the offer is selling medicine from this page. It is dangerous, the person doing so has no qualifications and no medical diplomas. In many countries, it would lead to a mandatory and immediate shut down of the business for practising illegal medicine. May be, Facebook does not consider it as false news? May be, it is OK with Pakistan law? I don't know. However, when I see medical consultations are sold here, when I see that cancer or diabetes packs are sold on this page, I ask the question: "what happens if a client drops his/her normal treatment to rely on BetterBonds «medications» and gets irremediable health damages or die for un-proper care?"
Review is an expression of colonialism and white supremacism according to Rmala Alaam's post on her Facebook blog page and on BetterBonds Facebook shop page
During your travels in mountain regions of Pakistan (and India and Nepal) you are very likely to come across foreigners, our ex-colonial masters, who believe our country still belongs to them. That everything belongs to these colonizers and supremacists. For CENTURIES they have known what gifts hide in our mountains but they will not let us hsve access. To further their war, they pit indigenous and tribal folks against city folks... even thouhh eventually we all are "indigenous" and belong tonone or another tribe.
During your travels in mountain regions of Pakistan (and India and Nepal) you are very likely to come across foreigners, our ex-colonial masters, who believe our country still belongs to them. That everything belongs to these colonizers and supremacists. For CENTURIES they have known what gifts hide in our mountains but they will not let us hsve access. To further their war, they pit indigenous and tribal folks against city folks... even thouhh eventually we all are "indigenous" and belong tonone or another tribe.
Natural gifts are hoarded and used by these mercenaries whereas their economies have LOOTED indigenous resources, taken them home, and turned them into expensive products that are kept out of reach of your families. This is capitalism. This is toxic White supremacy.
Here, a tool of supremacy who confesses to using Hunza products WITHOUT DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTION... is hoping that ordinary Pakistanis have no access to these. To assure safe unlimited access for COLONIAL folks he tries to instigate local mountain populations against "Southern Pakistanis". This, ladies and gentleman, is toxic White supremacy wrapped up in one agent provocateur. THESE are the agents of chaos that conspire to keep remote tribes agitated against federation.
Note this.. and beware.
WE DON'T NEED TO DEPEND ON FOREIGNERS and their intervention and "permission" to operate in our own country.
WE DON'T NEED TO DEPEND ON FOREIGNERS and their intervention and "permission" to operate in our own country.
[This man has claimed he is friends with mountain police and will use his contacts to kick me out of the mountains of my own country.]
Also posted on the shop page. See:
Also posted on the shop page. See:
Review is a "campaign of terror" according to Rmala Alaam's post on her on her Facebook blog page and on BetterBonds Facebook shop page
This man named #BernardGrua is a French businessman who travels the world and has traveled in the remote regions of Pakistan too. So far so good. However, he unleashed a campaign of terror and pain on me when he found out that I had revealed that a man (let's call him HOST) who hosted him and who has hosted hundreds if not thousands of world travelers, is a highly dangerous criminal well-known to agencies for such varied crimes as smuggling, fraud and mischief.
Host's most common fraud however is mind-bogglingly simple: Convince the already-impressed tourist that they (hosts) are a noble family, possibly envied by villagers and under danger from "Talibani Pakistan". That host belongs to an ethnic (Wakhi) and religious (Ismaili) minority.. speaks around 8 languages and is as exotic a specie as they come. Obviously.. most folks fall head over heels... and there is such an atmosphere of AWE.
And for some, terror.
As you may understand, that man cunningly uses his minority status.. and the simple fact that most of his guests are disconnected from each other and will not be able to read ground realities in short visits .. to his maximum benefit. Most folks are tempted to make donations or otherwise become his heroes.
In all this excitement one terrible truth gets overlooked: This man also has a tiny little habit: Assaulting women and girls.
When caught, he makes it sound like it is a local tradition and we are all interfering. He knows exactly what people are influenced by what weakness. Hr onows how to use keyworda that silence his opponent.
To me, a Sunni, he told for example: "You are a Sunni and you are disliked in our region. You will be attacked by Shias and so will we, because you have come to us. So now sit quietly and you rely wholly on me." Things didn't conclude well for me.
As it turns out, the terrors he stages are almost entirely orchestrated and fictional. The characters are part of the plan.. basically a bunch of folks some of whom know what is going on and some of whom hold only a partial script (and realize they have been trapped) rish to aid/terrorize the lone isplated tourist... often a female... staging a raid for example. It knocks the fucking daylights out of yoy to see that your worst nightmare has been realized: that you are underattack in Pakistan!!! 😦😦😦😱😱😲😲
And who enters as a hero?
Your host, who had strategically left the scene before the raid.
Your host, who had strategically left the scene before the raid.
You RUSH to him for support.
You declare him, his family, his tribe and clan and sect your hero. Evwrynody else is a villain!!!
You are SO TERRORIZED you are not gonna speak for years OR you feel so grateful for his intervention that you thank him and decide to secretly be his ally against THE BAD GUY for years to come.
You declare him, his family, his tribe and clan and sect your hero. Evwrynody else is a villain!!!
You are SO TERRORIZED you are not gonna speak for years OR you feel so grateful for his intervention that you thank him and decide to secretly be his ally against THE BAD GUY for years to come.
One little problem: It is all a staged drama.
Yup, your host staged the act, compromised you, allowed you to be robbed and hurt a little or a lot and made you EXTREMELY vulnerable.
The complex thing is that most of the drama characters only have a partial script and it is very very hard to realize that one man with too many brain compartments is organizing it all! Often all parties turn upon each other but it's too late before they realize the matter.
Yup, your host staged the act, compromised you, allowed you to be robbed and hurt a little or a lot and made you EXTREMELY vulnerable.
The complex thing is that most of the drama characters only have a partial script and it is very very hard to realize that one man with too many brain compartments is organizing it all! Often all parties turn upon each other but it's too late before they realize the matter.
Meanwhile he secures his prize: an eternally obliged and deeply traumatized traveler ready to do his bidding and accept his interpretation of events.
The other 'drama' is over-the-top hospitality that literally puts you in a sinkhole of obligation.
I am a victim of the first type of manipulation.
Mr. Bernard Grua is of the second.
Mr. Bernard Grua is of the second.
He think he is an amazingly treated guest who went to heaven-on-earth. And he attacks those who differ in their experience. Because I am a Sunni Pakistani brown person, I am the special target of his hatred and madness and he claims that I am "Taliban".
THIS is the ultra-terrifying backdrop over which I am existing. THAT is why I often keep reminding my clients to be kind... trust that I am working and understand that too many demands and antics from bored city people make me depart my comfort zone and fall into the line of sight of the original criminal and his overactive gang.
A number of reasons why Host has not been nabbed:
☆ Delicacy of situation. Pak state cannot risk a minority-minority person crying victim, especially when that person has multi-national support from his utterly enchanted and hypnotized guests who are willing to destroy and ruin lives of ANYONE who even dreams of speaking the truth against Host.
☆ the patheticness of it all. Basically highly educated and sensitive and otherwise sensible persons are getting robbed blind by a shepherd and his clan. This is tragicomedy at its best. The hosts are no ordinary shepherds. They are a highly skilled and fairly cunning clan.
☆ Family of host is part of a world-famous NGO. The elder brother of the host helped establish girls' schools in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan. On the Pakistan side he also "mistreated" some girls taken on scholarship to hostels in Islamabad. No one can say a thing. The community is divided and united (paradox!) and traumatized. Plus they fear the angry outsider. WHICH IS WHY I THINK WE NEED TO ASSURE THEM THAT THE ARE NOT THE TARGET however things keep escalating as long as the real culprit doesn't turn over. Classic case of a culprit hiding within a community. The sooner he is produced the lesser the involvement of and blame on the community.
Unfortunately for everyone the criminal we are dealing with is more adamant and unrepentent than a demon possessing a child... he won't give up.
* * * * *
For now, help me report Bernard Grua for HARASSMENT. Go to his profile and report. By now HE KNOWS what is the issue but to force me to remove all mention of him from social media he continues to terrorize and blackmail.
* * * * *
For now, help me report Bernard Grua for HARASSMENT. Go to his profile and report. By now HE KNOWS what is the issue but to force me to remove all mention of him from social media he continues to terrorize and blackmail.
Other than that, please help me bring the story out. Be strategic and subtle... the criminal will NOT GIVE UP. He will play his cards.
AND SUPPORT ME WITH YOUR LOVE AND PRAYER because I have finally reached authorities and figured out that everyone around me was trying to distract me from my mission.
Thank you.
See also:
See also:
One single review is a "massive troll attack" according to Rmala Alaam's post on BetterBonds Facebook shop page
We are under a MASSIVE troll attack. A few teams have combined. One is a foreogner gentleman who is stuck in a pretty bad situation because he lashed out at me at a time when I was very sick AND trying my best to get addicted local young people to give up their mad habits and start #enterprises. Ya know me... I love to help people and uplift them.
We are under a MASSIVE troll attack. A few teams have combined. One is a foreogner gentleman who is stuck in a pretty bad situation because he lashed out at me at a time when I was very sick AND trying my best to get addicted local young people to give up their mad habits and start #enterprises. Ya know me... I love to help people and uplift them.
One addict (who is in pretty serious trouble right now... this year has been rough) took to resisting by cursing and abusing me. So I have a little rant blog that I hope no one reads. And after I have been through another wild round of abuse... I take my anger out there. I literally have captioned the blog asking people not to take it seriously. I always make anonymous references. Only truly evil folks get their names listed.
I feel truly sad and scared. That is because I feel the addiction and pain problem is a COMMUNITY LEVEL issue. So many young people suffering. And then I look towards the folks in the city and they have no clue whats going on... there is NO TALK about adverse weathers and food shortages.
Last July when Imran Khan got elected I saw a woman on an FB group praying that he wears her hubby's employing fashion label's outfit.
I got triggered beyond explanation...... I literally had to be calmed down. This country is about to meet shovking calsmiyies and the vity women only cared about green outfits and that IK wears hubby's brand??
Oh my God.
I got triggered beyond explanation...... I literally had to be calmed down. This country is about to meet shovking calsmiyies and the vity women only cared about green outfits and that IK wears hubby's brand??
Oh my God.
I haven't had a more Terrible day since.
In panic I called a drunkard of a neighbor fir help but seeing that they are out of their mind I dismissed them and they got ahead and had an accident after their bike slipped in rain. Next day I rushed to check wounds and gift a balm.
In panic I called a drunkard of a neighbor fir help but seeing that they are out of their mind I dismissed them and they got ahead and had an accident after their bike slipped in rain. Next day I rushed to check wounds and gift a balm.
Everybody was so pissed off and sad. I talked about little else than the fact thay at that moment it's not like someone got on the TV ans said HOLD ON YOU DESPERATE PEOPLE OF PAKISTAN! HELP IS COMING!!
The fuckrry that took place instead wounded my heart badly. I was sooo angry.
July turned to August to September.. and soon, cold winds blew.
December saw us enter an epic chill winter with neverending snow.
December saw us enter an epic chill winter with neverending snow.
SO MANY PEOPLE HERE survived poorly until April... when cold still wouldn't go. In February a war scare pulled the rug from under our feet. And in Spring, the Winter-induced misery and poverty was strong. I was miserable after Almost War day... but carried on. What keeps me silent is that so many are suffering. And I begin lecturing them and then fights break out. And while I know it's terrible here I actually qlso don't want to go too far from this misery.
I think it may hold the seed of Self-Reliance within.
Which brings me to my next problem.
(To be continued)
(To be continued)
Review is tracking a kid according to Rmala Alaam's post on her Facebook blog page
Here he goes again.
The madman who has been threatening me since May 2019. This time he reveals he is tracking my kid. Ah, the joys of living and working in remote regions where #patriarchy is strong and international support is aplenty for the delinquent amongst locals who are a bane for locals, and for visitors from aroun5 thw world and within the country.
Here he goes again.
The madman who has been threatening me since May 2019. This time he reveals he is tracking my kid. Ah, the joys of living and working in remote regions where #patriarchy is strong and international support is aplenty for the delinquent amongst locals who are a bane for locals, and for visitors from aroun5 thw world and within the country.
Please feel free to report this character who is instigating our remote region locals against the country..
Review is done to support a pedophile according to Rmala Alaam's post on her Facebook blog page
DEAR FACEBOOK THE FOLLOWING POST IS ABOUT AN UNKNOWNV AND UNRELATED EUROPEAN MALE that has been using Facebook since May 2019 to track a Pakistani mother and child. Their crime? Mommy ratted on a local #pedophile who this French male is FRIENDS with.
DEAR FACEBOOK THE FOLLOWING POST IS ABOUT AN UNKNOWNV AND UNRELATED EUROPEAN MALE that has been using Facebook since May 2019 to track a Pakistani mother and child. Their crime? Mommy ratted on a local #pedophile who this French male is FRIENDS with.
The screenshots contain his speech, not mine. ♢♢♢
French troll (he is a professional troll who manages a website/FB page by the name of STOP TROLLS, uses fake IDs to support himself!) Mr. #BernardGrua returns. This time he reveals on my business page that he is tracking my kid, obtaining WRITTEN REPORTS on her!
French troll (he is a professional troll who manages a website/FB page by the name of STOP TROLLS, uses fake IDs to support himself!) Mr. #BernardGrua returns. This time he reveals on my business page that he is tracking my kid, obtaining WRITTEN REPORTS on her!
Let's hope that the French police will teach him a bit about how not to get obssessed with a family abroad, a family that has got NOTHING to do with him!
Let's hope that the French police will teach him a bit about how not to get obssessed with a family abroad, a family that has got NOTHING to do with him!
Rmala Aalam falsely presenting herself has been endangered by the review
Where to stay in Chapursan Valley
Pamir Serai guest houses are the traditional homestay of Zoodkhun and Baba Ghundi for external visitors. They are run by the internationaly famous Alam Jan Dario’s family.
Hilltop Guest House is run by Haider Badakhshoni in Reshit.
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ReplyDeleteThat's cool "He can also cured the following disease and infection#hpv#herpes#hsv#cancer#hepatitis#coldsores#syphilis#hbv#pile#kiney too end all your problem
ReplyDeleteYou also pratice illegal medicine? You are true competitor of Ms Rmala Aalam.